
Legacy Name: Hebni

The Glacier Celinox
Owner: Alexagirlie

Age: 14 years, 9 months, 6 days

Born: August 26th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 9 months, 6 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: August 26th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 5
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 0/10
  • Intelligence: 11
  • Books Read: 10
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Guardian of Ice and Winter Nights
She moved quickly across the ground, frost following in her foot prints, stalking silently towards her prey. Peeking around a tree Hebni pulled an arrow from her quiver and noiselessly cocked it, aiming it at the small rabbit resting ten feet away. Licking her lips she let the arrow fly and let a satisfied smirk cross her face as it hit its mark. Bushing a strand of snow white hair from her face she jogged over to the fallen animal and kneeled at its side. Reaching out she pulled the arrow free and made sure the rabbit was truly gone before picking it up and adding it to the bag she carried over her shoulder. Ice blue eyes scanned the clearing before she rose to her feet, brushing stray twigs from her skirt. As she stood there taking in the quiet and the solitude, frost began to crawl across the grass and dark snow clouds formed above her head. The quiet was something the white haired girl missed dearly when she was with her brothers and sisters and she relished the chance to escape. Even for the few short hours hunting provided her. Hebni's eyes closed and she tilted her head back as the snow began to fall and winds began to howl around her.
Winter was finally here.
Name: Hebni
Tittle: Guardian of Ice and Winter Nights
Power: She creates winter. She can control Ice and Snow and is the reason it gets so cold at night and people freeze to death.
Weapon(s): Ice Bow, Fierce Ice Blade, Ice Knife and Ice Bombs
Personality/Brief Bio She's very quiet and is very solitary. She likes to spend her time alone, usually hunting or sleeping. She can become quite hostile if people, even her siblings, invade her space uninvited. She doesn't travel into the humans territory very often but when she does she stands out with her primitive clothes, shocking white hair and facial modifications.
The Origin of the Guardians:When the Life Bringer first breathed life into Universe she created 10 of the most beautiful creatures. She gave them names and they were her greatest joy for Eons before she created something new. She created new life for her Creatures to watch over and protect. She created the Earth and with the Earth she created life, she created the human race. And her creatures became the Guardians of the human race and adapted themselves to suit the needs of this new race. Took on new forms that the humans could gaze upon and they became deities their eyes, but something has gone wrong. The needs and desires of the human race have twisted their guardians into something not quite right and the humans gave them new names to fit what they had become. They became the Guardian of Ice and Winter Nights, Guardian of the Blazing Sun, Guardian of the Moon and Night Sky, Guardians of Deep Sea’s and Rip Tides, Guardians of Lust and Unquenchable Hunger, Guardian of Rotting Flesh and Decay, Guardian of Light and Wind Storms, Guardian of Dreams and Sleepless Nights, Guardian of Reflected Lights and Colour and the Guardian of Machinery and Technology. This is their story.

Pet Treasure

Icicle Knife

Frost Berry Bunch

Ice Bow

Pet Friends


