
Twinny_417 has a minion!

Felicity the Glade Bird

Legacy Name: Twinny_417

The Glade Devonti
Owner: Beautiful_286

Age: 14 years, 9 months, 3 weeks

Born: September 4th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 9 months, 3 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: September 4th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 6
  • Strength: 15
  • Defense: 15
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Easily Scared|Kind Hearted|Regretful

"After me!" And with a kick of his hooves he is off.You try to follow after, stumbling over the twisting roots and reaching branches. Through the dim light patches that shine through the mass of greenery overhead, you almost lose track of the grass covered devonti.Suddenly you stop short in front of a high row of hedges. You cannot neither see over them or around. A high voice carries from the other side of the hedges.
"Underneath the hedges!"
Followed by a bleating laugh.
Confused, you look down, and see a dark hole a few feet from where you're standing. Feet first, you slide down the hole.Twinny the devonti meets you when you come out into the sunshine. He is standing in a field of green, chewing on some grass. He is so camoflauged, you miss him the first time you look around. All you see is a vast array of flowers dotting the ground. Lush grass is covered with twinkling dew, and with the sun shining on them just right, they seem to be winking at you. You survey the area, it's about the size of a football field you assume, but rounded off. In the corner, a little mound of dirt is the only brown you see. While Twinny is still happily chewing grass, you inconspicously meander over to it.
A stone is marked at the head.
'Here lies Twinny, the bravest devonti'
In confusion, you call out to the devonti behind you.
He stops chewing and suddenly his face is flooded with grief.
As he walks over to the grave where you stand, a tear drops, blending amoungst the dew covering the grass.
You both stare solemnly at the headstone of the mound.
You steal a glance at the devonti standing next to you, and it appears he is having a flashback.

A small village. A clear blue sky. The sound of two birds chirping below on the branch of a tall pine tree. Two mothers and two sons. One was me, and the other... Twinny the brave. We were learning to stand. After many tries and toppling over, I gave up and sat on the ground while watching Twinny keep trying."Alex! Come on you can do it!" called my mother. I ignored her."Look at how well James is doing... Oh, he got it!" my mother exclaimed, as a wobbly legged James finally stood up. I smiled.

Then, we were in this field. This exact field. The field we spent hours running around and playing tag in. In exhaustion, one day, we collapsed in the middle, laughing.
"You know what Alex?" asked James, as he rolled onto his back to watch the sky.
"What?" I asked, a smile still spread on my face.
"Let's be twins." he said, and sat up on his rear.
What a funny thing to say, I thought, but laughed anyways.
"Sure! Twins are the closest any two devontis could be, right?"
"Got that right!" said James, and with a playful punch on the shoulder, I fell backwards.
"Hey!" I yelled, and we both jumped up. As he started to skip away
I ran after him and the chasing began again.
From that moment on we were twins. Twinnys, we called each other.

Then, we were older. About the size of our mothers now, we stood nervously in line as we got our first haircut. Afterwords, we were both nearly bald all over! For the next couple days, I wrapped myself in towels from embarrassment. I told everyone I was cold though.Twinny on the other hand. He went about as if nothing had happened. I admired him for that.

Suddenly, we were much older. Tough and grown up now. We sat in the same field as years ago, and chatted about the future. A rustling sound came from the woods to our left. We ignored it. How stupid we were. Many times, popokos, antlephores or other little woodland creatures would get through the hedge by mistake. Not this time though.Bursting through the hedge was an anyu the size of a truck. Bloodred, not seen in these woods usually.
With a scream, I ran off through the emergency exit hole. And straight into a tree. Darkness took over, and the last thing I hear was a bleating cry and a roar that shook the whole forest.I awoke at night. Crickets played their music. It sounded melancholy tonight.
I realized what happened, and quickly ran into the field again.
It was empty.
I raced back to the village to see what had happened. That's where I saw devontis all gathering around the dead body of... Twinny.I couldn't cry. Too much shock shook me as I took in what I saw. It couldn't be. Never would I thought that the brave Twinny, James, would ever die. Atleast not before me, the scaredy cat one.
But it was true.
The crowd around him parted as I came through.
"I'm sorry," said the elder devonti. He had tears in his eyes.
"How?" I managed to croak.
"The anyu attacked him. I heard talk from antlephores and lains that saw. He went through hedge, saw you unconcious, and ran back into the field. The bear nearly mauled him, but he ran in the opposite direction of you and the village. By the time he was far away, hunters shot him. They didn't see James. He.. bled to death."
It was all his fault. Twinny had died, because of him. If only he didn't ram into a tree. If only he had been braver.
I collapsed into tears. Regret filled my heart. I had been a wimp, and ultimately, caused my twin's life.

"I'm sorry," is all you can say as you pat the devonti's bowed head.
"I'm sorry."

Pet Treasure

Blade of Grass

Blue Bellflowers

Survival Bouquet of Pink Lilies

Yellow Calla Lily

Arid Flower

Survival Purple Calla Lilies

Survival Orange Paper Flower

Regular Watering Can

Pet Friends