
Lorae has a minion!

Queko the Settia

Legacy Name: Lorae

The Glade Pherret
Owner: AuroPhoenix

Age: 14 years, 9 months, 2 days

Born: September 20th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 9 months, 2 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: September 20th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 16
  • Strength: 24
  • Defense: 16
  • Speed: 12
  • Health: 21
  • HP: 0/21
  • Intelligence: 15
  • Books Read: 15
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Oh do be careful! The plants here won’t appreciate it if you stepped on them!

My, my…it is quite rare for me to get visitors out here, have a seat! Would you like some tea? I just made some--oh right! I should introduce myself first, I’m Lorae, it’s a pleasure to meet you!

As you can see it’s only me, and the outdoors. The others come and visit me every now and then but they’re usually doing other things. But it’s no problem for I have the flowers to keep me company. We talk about all sorts of things like favorite colors and how the weather is, and what kind of foods we like! Although, flowers don’t actually eat the food we eat…hrm. I still enjoy meeting those who come to appreciate nature so stop by anytime!

Oh you need to go? What a shame…but it was nice to meet you

Oh! Please watch your step on the way out, many of the inhabitants of this garden are quite lively.

‘Till we meet again!

Pet Treasure


Pink Bellflowers

Orange Freesia Sprig

Pink Calla Lily

Red Hibiscus

Pink Hibiscus


Venus Flytrap

Pet Friends