
Kayden_203 has a minion!

Flyer the Wowl

Legacy Name: Kayden_203

The Scribble Warador
Owner: bearycub

Age: 14 years, 8 months, 2 days

Born: September 29th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 8 months, 2 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: September 29th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

#pet_image {background-image: url('');}LOOK IM HAPPY NOW

Overlay made by User not found: kat.arikato!
Story by me! :D
It was a couple of hours before dusk in late June. The humidity was high which made it miserable and a dense coat of fog surrounded a small island.
A young boy sat on the pier, wielding a sturdy wooden fishing rod. The boy hoped he would catch SOMETHING. After all, he'd been sitting in that same spot for nearly half the day. His parents had gone on some sort of business trip and wouldn't be back for who knows when. The lantern he brought out with him was beginning to go out, but he still wanted to catch a fish. Just then, a wave crashes on the pier. The water cools his face, and salt stings his eyes.
As the boy rubs his irritated eyes, a loud shout startles him."Come inside! A storm is coming!" Even though he doesn't see anything, he reluctantly pulls his bait out of the water and picks up his nearly drenched lantern. Then, he stands up and runs across the beach. The sand is grainy and wet from the humid weather. The boy opens the door to a large wooden shack and is greeted by a tall boy in his late teens with dark hair. It was his brother, Leon." Kayden" He says "Didn't you see that flash of lightning?"
Kayden entered and heard the thunder rumbling in the distance. Rain was beginning to fall. Kayden nodded and trotted up to his room, taking his rod and lantern with him. It was dark in the house. Only his dim lantern provided enough light to guide him up the somber staircase. Thunder rumbled and Kayden hurried up stairs, ran into his room, tossed his belongings on the floor, and dove under the covers in his bed. He hated storms like this. The lantern he dropped landed next to his bed and he watched the flame dance until it went out.
After sitting under the covers listening to the rain, he could hear Leon calling behind the door." Dinner's ready,Kayden!" Kayden went down to the dinner table and Leon brought him some macaroni off the stove that smelled burnt. "This smells kind of funny, Leon." Leon laughed. " I'm sorry, Kayden." Kayden ate the burned macaroni anyway and wished for his parents to get back from their trip.
The young boy shuffled back up the stairs. He went into his room and crawled back into his bed and pulled the covers over his head again. He could feel himself falling asleep. But, just as he could feel himself drifting off, he heard a faint tapping on his bedroom window. Kayden crossed over to the window and opened it letting a small bird inside followed by large gust of wind. Kayden closed the window and looked at the feathered visitor who he let in, when he noticed something strapped to its leg that looked like a letter held there by a rubber band. Kayden removed the letter and unfolded it.

If your're reading this, then it means that you've got this message.The bird is our gift from us to you and Leon!

[center]Mom and Dad[/center] Kayden thought this was starting to sound suspicious because his parents had left him and his brother alone for two whole weeks, but then the a chirp from the bird his parents sent him interrupted his thoughts. "Oh. I probably should give the bird a name." He glanced at the small bird who was now pecking at the fishing rod.It was a sooty gray color and looked like a great horned owl only a lot smaller.
As Kayden turned to face the bird, he heard someone knocking on his door,-banging actually. Kayden could already hear Leon snoring across the hall and knew it wasn't him.The young boy carefully picked up the bird and crawled into the closet, hoping that who or whatever it was would leave. Then the door swung open and a man and a woman stepped in."Kayden dear, why are you hiding under the bed?" The woman said when she spotted the young boy sprawled on his stomach trying to quiet his peeping bird. Kayden squirmed out from under the bed and approached his mom and dad. "Where did you guys go for two whole weeks?!" They ignored his question. "We only came to tell you and your brother good-bye." Kayden's father said. Kayden frowned."You're leaving again?" "We have more important business. I'm sorry, honey." His mom sighed as she knelt down to his height. "Stop with the sappy good bye! You need to catch that gale portal!" The bird suddenly chirped from within Kayden's grasp. "The boy shouldn't know so much, Flier!" Kayden's father snapped.

Pet Treasure

Cheap Fishing Pole

Candlelit Lantern

Yellow Snow Fairy

Pet Friends