
Vaguely has a minion!

Minion the Domrad

Legacy Name: Vaguely

The Darkmatter Montre
Owner: lavarift

Age: 14 years, 8 months, 1 week

Born: October 3rd, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 8 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: October 3rd, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 6
  • Strength: 13
  • Defense: 13
  • Speed: 13
  • Health: 13
  • HP: 13/13
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Vaguely adj.
1. not clearly or explicitly stated or expressed.
2. indefinite or indistinct in nature or character, as ideas or feelings.
3. not clear or distinct to the sight or any other sense; perceptible or recognizable only in an indefinite way.
4. not definitely established, determined, confirmed, or known; uncertain.
5. (of persons) not clear or definite in thought, understanding, or expression.
6. (of the eyes, expression, etc.) showing lack of clear perception or understanding.

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