
Eddie Guerrero has a minion!

Minion the Blanoir

Eddie Guerrero
Legacy Name: Eddie Guerrero

The Common Demi
Owner: ozzy28562

Age: 14 years, 6 months, 3 weeks

Born: November 11th, 2009

Adopted: 13 years, 3 months, 4 days ago

Adopted: February 26th, 2011

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Eddie Guerrero WWE champion Pictures, Images and Photos The late great Eddie Guerrero passed away many a year ago due to a heart attack. He never believed in reincarnation when he was battling many many opponents and living his first life. That was until that faithful day when he passed away peacefully and reawoke in strange place. He screamed and ran the first time he saw his reflection he had been reborn as an animal. it took him awhile to get used to the idea of being an animal and was taken in by an owner from the adoption agency. His new found friend began teaching him about the world. reading him books on this new world he had been born into. Unfortunately over time he became bored with this teachings and wanted more. He was often found lurking around the battle areas and the gym. His friend decided in order for Eddie to be happy he must be able to do what he loves most so they began a harsh training program. Running 10 miles each morning and lifting weights in the evening he slowly began to gain strength unmatched. Next was getting ready for battle in the arena.

Pet Treasure

Green Gym Headband

Black Muscle Shirt

Muscle Defining Vest

Creation Weights

Gym Socks

Pet Friends