
Vealixir has a minion!

Felix the Repair Bot

Legacy Name: Vealixir

The Graveyard Endeavor
Owner: Smaug

Age: 14 years, 7 months, 4 days

Born: November 12th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 7 months, 4 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: November 12th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 12
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 0
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Store Clerk

December 24
    It seems so odd to me, that I should be here in this house on Lumineve. It seemed only yesterday when Shinga found be broken and abandoned at an old landfill. He convinced Ana that I could be repaired, and reminded her of their promise to take in anything that needed a good home. He had spent long hours fixing me, finding the right parts. It surprises me still that one so attuned to nature, and preferring his outdoor gardens, could also have had so much patience in tinkering with a machine.
   When I asked him, he smiled and said it was only like pruning a rose bush, nice and steady until it blossomed. I don’t know what it’s like to be a flower, but I think it sounds quite lovely being compared to a rose. All my siblings are very wonderful in this house. But I think Marincia is a little hot-tempered at times, even though Deadre’s the one that’s Reborn!
   I hope that all our days are as happy as this, I feel very useful here, there is so much fixing that needs to be done in this old house. My only Luminaire wish is that I can spend each one here in Westerfield Manor.
   Well, I’m going out for one last stroll before midnight, I hope everyone likes the presents I got them! I’ll write more about it tomorrow. Good night!

December 25
   Last night, the most astounding thing happened. The sky had been all clear when I had stepped out for my stroll, but just as I was winding my way down a path closer to the city, a nasty mixture of icy rain and snow suddenly whipped up. Not wanting to get sleet in between my joints, I spotted a stone bridge up ahead and ducked in for shelter.
   I was quite surprised to find a tiny Kora, almost full-grown but incredibly scrawny. She looked like she had not eaten for many days, and I watched as she looked straight at me with her large purple eyes, before falling back into a stupor. Knowing I did not have much time, I quickly picked her up, and used my wings to shield us as I tried to run through the downpour. The weather was much too terrible for me to fly us home, so I had to no choice to push my way through the icy snow. Reaching the door way, I collapsed inside, by plates creaking in discontent.
   I hardly noticed the astonished looks from my family as I laid her gently down in front of the fireplace. I stayed with her until morning, when she finally opened those beautiful purple eyes again. She gave me a small smile, before Ana ushered me out of the room. “You’re exhausted too Alixir, you better recharge and get some oil in your joints. Don’t want you rusting or shutting down us, and I’m sure that girl wouldn’t want that either. I’ll take over from here and you know she’ll be alright. Come back once you’ve finished re-energizing.”
   I’ve only just woken, so I think this should be the only time I’ll have to put this entry in until tomorrow. The fact that little Kora is still alive, is the best present I’ve ever gotten.

   Merry Luminaire Day!

Pet Treasure

Steamwork Radio

Gearbound Journal

A Few Loose Screws

Shiny Metal Binder

Clockwork Dreams

Mismatched Metal

Just Like Clockwork

Vernon Doll

Gaslight Wrench

Tinkerers Knapsack

Iron Terrier

Brass Whelpling



Pet Friends