
Benjamen has a minion!

Minion the Glady

Legacy Name: Benjamen

The Glade Ruffie
Owner: mockingbird

Age: 14 years, 6 months, 2 weeks

Born: November 13th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 6 months, 2 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: November 13th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 9
  • Strength: 23
  • Defense: 16
  • Speed: 13
  • Health: 14
  • HP: 14/14
  • Intelligence: 3
  • Books Read: 3
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

I close both locks below the window

I close both blinds and turn away----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Birthed in a backwater village, Benjamen immediately knew he did not fit in. As soon as his parents lay their eyes on him, fresh and new in the world, his mother began to cry and his father cursed at some unknown deity. The priest accompanying the birth cried out "Devil! Devil! Fur of demons!"; for Benjamen was born with black fur in a village of scared beings who associate anything abnormal a thing to get rid of. You see, not one being here had black fur. The color had been somehow 'blocked' - by a higher power, no doubt says the believers - from genetics. He was the first in a century to have the hue. But he was shown no mercy because of his age. His parents did not protest. They abandoned their only son, thrown into the merciless wild of the vast forest surrounding the village.

and the shadow of the day

will embrace the world in gray----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name and aliases;; benjamen, ben, benny
pronunciation, meaning;; 'ben-ja-man', variate of 'benjamin', son of the right hand, son of the south
species, gender;; Black Labrador Retriever (anthro&quad), male
occupation;; Earth Mage, Herbologist, Healer

flowers on your window

your friends all plead for you to stay----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"My abilities do not extend to those above the clouds; but I will continue searching to see."
Two years now have Benjamen often had the company of the celestial Aroka in his home. After finding her unconscious, bruised and beaten he treated her wounds only to find out that they healed on their own. Though shy, Aroka seems comfortable in his presence. There are times these two don't speak for a day in company!

"I have the packages you requested, Milady. I hope these simple herbs help."
Lilura and Benjamen had been allies for years, corresponding though they live so far apart. The seer taught him more advanced earth-related magic and in return he exchanged knowledge with her students about essential healing plants. Together, the two of them are more business-friendly than actual friends.

"I cannot do anything for you. I am sorry."
Using some of the last of her power, a succubus contacted Benjamen while sleeping about freedom into the waking world. She had been stuck there for centuries under ancient black magic. Unfortunately he did not have the power to release her.

sometimes beginnings aren't so simple

sometimes goodbye's the only way----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Profiling Coding Help By decaying
Overlay by Lauralove
Art: x by User not found: generalalpha.

Pet Treasure

Enchanted Bottle of Forest

Pack of Potions

Wooden Mortar and Pestle

Dowsing Pendulum

Elven Sunrise Dew

Sacred Ground

Study Charm

Pan Pipes

Earth Shard

Green Gathered Leaf Ornament

Elemental Candles

Pet Friends

I know heavenly bodies have no use for medicine, but I'll be here if you need to talk.