
Legacy Name: Kavita_443

The Cream Paralix
Owner: Trouble_574

Age: 14 years, 6 months, 2 weeks

Born: November 27th, 2009

Adopted: 13 years, 4 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: January 30th, 2011


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 9
  • Defense: 7
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 11
  • HP: 10/11
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Kavita smiled at the building, squeezed between a Bookstore and a Clothing Store. The sign wasn't finished quite yet, but you could tell by the sketched letters, it said "Kavita's Cafe."

It had been her dream to open a small, and cozy spot in the city, where everyday people could wander in for a cup of coffee, or some treats. but Kavita has done some planning and thought it would be wonderful to have a bit more than tea and crackers. She knew wonderful recipes for all sorts of drinks, and Ice Cream, and she planned to only buy fresh produce, not any bad meat or anything. Just good food. Healthy, good food. Inside her cafe, the walls were to be painted a cream brown, and the furniture is brown. Though there are some light blue paintings on the walls, pots for plants, rugs, curtains, etc. So, it's cream, brown, and baby blue themed. And outside would be painted brown, and the sign would be painted with baby blue letters. It was all still being planned, but she knew it would all be perfect in the end.

The cafe, it all, was her dream. As a child she wanted to own something like that, like a restraunt. Her mother, father, and grandparents used to own a small deli that was the spotlight of an certain small town. But when she was born, the deli had later gone out of business. Her family had to find a new job, and they had. But she wished she could see the deli in her own eyes. All she saw was old photos. She wanted to see the real thing.

Kavita believes her dream of opening a cafe/deli mix was when her grandmother had passed away. She had always told Kavita stories about the old deli, some of the strangest costumers, some of the biggest accidents, and many more. Maybe Kavita wants to open this business, not to make money, but to maybe relive her parents and grandparents old business.

Weeks later, the paint has dried and the sign was finished and the menu was written with baby blue chalk. Kavita felt proud of herself, she danced around the room, the same building, wearing a new coffee colored apron. Ollin sat in a large, brown cushy chair and grinned at her silliness.
"Hey, Vivi, when is Jae 'gonna get here?"
"He'll be here soon, Ollin, be patient."
Kavita's best friend picked up one of her favorite plushies. Ollin touched the soft felt of the vintage Jollin plushie.
"What's this, Kavita?" Ollin asked, examining the plush.
"That belonged to my Grandma." Kavita picked it from his hands, and placed it on some baby blue shelves.
"Hey, I wasn't hurtin' it or 'nothing."
Kavita sighed. "Sorry, I'm a little protective over that dear stuffed jollin." She stared at it with her blue eyes. "I feel it gives me life, and maybe my cafe too."

"Hey y'all!" a voice with rhythm filled the cafe.
"Jaedo! Your here!" Ollin jumped from the chair to his older cousin.
Kavita smiled. Her very first worker had arrived.

*more coming soon*

Pet Treasure

Bag of Mini Chocolate Biscotti

Flower Latte

Cream Coffee Pot

Hot Cocoa Brown Apron

Freshly Baked Cookies

Mint Cocoa

Chicken Bacon Dijon Panini

Double Lime Cake

Coffee with Whipped Cream

Chamomile Tea

Green Tea

English Breakfast Tea

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Cone

Mint Chip Chill

Chocolate Mint Sandwich Cookie

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Sticker

Minty Vintage Antlephore Plushie

Pet Friends