
Legacy Name: Jacob_111

The Nightmare Devonti
Owner: rin_365

Age: 14 years, 6 months, 1 week

Born: December 15th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 6 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: December 15th, 2009


  • Level: 147
  • Strength: 378
  • Defense: 356
  • Speed: 311
  • Health: 373
  • HP: 303/373
  • Intelligence: 3
  • Books Read: 3
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

He was a creation without feelings, without memories.

But not without purpose.

Him. Jacob.

A creation so gruesome in appearance, he was sickening to even describe. A strange combination of torn flesh that never bled and a wild white mane that stemmed from a haunting, eyeless mask that saw all. The Devil's own plaything, made from discarded animals that humans had sacrificed to keep the Devil's wrath at bay. One day, when the Devil had grown tired of the sacrifices' existence, he tortured them into the mold that gave rise to his new favorite pet: Jacob.

It was a creature made almost lovingly, if the Devil was capable of such an emotion. The Devil had gone to great lengths to even steal from Him, God, the protector of the world. The Devil had used the stolen blood to bind the sacrifices together. Because God's own blood could not be used up or dried out, it still dripped down from and would stream back up into Jacob's mouth.

A precious commodity and one that was used to strike against God and cause Him pain. The Devil strove every day to lure people to the "dark side," a world full of mystery and disease that most good-hearted individuals stayed away from and were wary of. But some hearts are weak and some humans are vulnerable. Humans. God's most beloved creation, a physical representation of God's heart. What better way to strike down an omnipotent being than to strike at that extension which is not?

Jacob was the cleaner.

When the Devil had successfully tempted a human to question and to doubt, he would send his pet out to go collect that human's soul. The Devil had no need for souls; they were not of particular interest to him. But each soul he collected was a soul he stole from God. They were collected, not to keep humans in Hell, but to keep them out of Heaven.

Jacob licked his lips as he stole out into the world. Earth. He clawed at the ground and sought out the human the Devil sent him to collect tonight. He was a barely there presence in the night, but a shadow that nearby people crossed the street to get away from. He was the feeling that they were being watched, the prickle down their spine, the goose bumps on their arms.

But tonight was not their night. As he had no will of his own, had no idea what a "will" could even feel like, he did as he was told. Each job was completed precisely and fully, but he only did what he was instructed to. A perfect operator.

God's blood stuck and clung to his tongue, desperate to not go down into Jacob's throat, but it was enough of an introduction to his body to help him do his deed. It was a struggle that occurred every night, but one that the blood would always lose, not having the power to resist as it was apart from its rightful master.

Because God was omnipotent and omnipresent, His blood enabled Jacob to do his job. He could sort of feel on the air the feelings of the one he sought. The woman's feelings hummed through him, and he shuddered. Having narrowed down the location, Jacob tore off to the west with a mighty bound.

Life streamed by in mere blurs, but the architecture and night life was of no interest to him. How could it be? The Devil had not given him a personality or tastes.

He narrowed down on the one he sought, a young woman whose tacky, faux-leather heels clicked noisily as she walked down the street. It was grating and unbearable. Even she seemed to be unsure whether she should continue wearing them or take them off to mute the sound.

As he narrowed in on her, he sniffed, and small cells of God's blood wafted into his nose. Now the he was close, he could see flashes and bits of her life story drifting through his mind.

She was an ordinary woman in every sense of the word. He saw her father playing baseball with her when she was six. Her ninth birthday party when she got a doll. Her crying over a headstone at seventeen. A pain that hadn't left her. A pain that left her numb and hating God, and therefore, open to the Devil's whims.

And here it was. Her nightmare. Stalking behind her, without her knowledge. After feeding on the energy of her life, Jacob had what he needed to do his job.

This was his purpose.


Story written by twocents
Art by Daggy
Profile by User not found: ayden
Art collection [here]

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