
Situla_928 has a minion!

Tech the Chiko

Legacy Name: Situla_928

The Angelic Darkonite
Owner: yummy

Age: 14 years, 6 months, 4 days

Born: December 15th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 6 months, 4 days ago

Adopted: December 15th, 2009


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Situla Evelyn Akna

The half demon..

Situla is quite shy and some times reclusive. If a situation comes up that involves her as the center of attention, she will try to fall back and hid amongst the shadows to observe from afar, she prefers to stand away from those awkward situations. Even though she comes across as stand-offish to some, she can still be quite open about certain things.

Once she gets used to being around you and adjusting to your personal ticks and actions, she will open up a little bit and act as a close friend rather than a peer. She'll allow you access to the deeper parts of her mind and central ideas, and on rare occasion, her feelings. It takes a long while to achieve this knowledge, but overall it will help you get a better understanding of why Situla is the way she is. If she gets close enough to you where she stops blushing constantly, you'll know you've reached a well formed friendship.

If you do manage to get to know the girl well, you will start to notice that she is sort of a spazz. She will act out hysterically and become sort of overly excited about somethings, especially football. Most of her outbursts are excited ramblings, sudden flickers of extreme happiness or spontaneous spunky-ness. Some may think it's rather amusing because she is so small.

She is embarrassed very easily and very often. Her flustered cheeks occur most often when she is in the spotlight, uncomfortable about a topic or is confronted by someone. She also isn't one to take compliment very well, as it makes her blush more than the spotlight. For this, she is often teased and toyed with. The toying aggravates her as she often lacks the confidence to step up to the one playing the game.

If she isn't seen researching then she may be reading some gooey romance novel that is way too mushy for any regular fifteen year old girl to enjoy in the least bit. She is very found of them, mostly for their emotional flips and how unrealistic they come off as. Because of this, she's managed to get into watching romances and romantic comedies alike; she enjoys them more than the novels in some cases. She has only seen a handful of movies, about six to be exact. Her mother never took her to the movies or watched movies either as a kid. So the six movies she has seen have all been random DVDs she has found lying around her aunt's house. The six movies she has seen were 50 First Dates, Fools Rush In, 13 Going On 30, Quantum Of Solace(The only action movie she has ever seen, she ended up loving it), The Holiday and Bride Wars. Over all, she'd judge her favorite movie to be Fools Rush In, which she is yet to find someone who will watch it with her besides herself. She also really wants to watch PS. I Love You, but her aunt lost the DVD, so she has to search out someone who will lend it to her. Unfortunately, she hasn't found anyone who owns it yet.

As odd as it may seem, Situla also enjoys watching football, almost too much. She refuses to watch anything but the Hungarian League, she will even pass up the World Cup if Hungary doesn't qualify as they haven't been in the past several years. In the Hungarian League, she'd say her favorite team would be Újpest, and she even has the purple and white jersey locked away in her drawer to prove it. If you are her friend, she'll probably end up dragging you to the nearest television to watch a game. Hopefully you speak Hungarian, or you will be slightly lost in the midst of the announcers and Situla's outbursts of yelling at the television screen.

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