
Peso_117 has a minion!

Thuzy the Baby Cthulhu

Legacy Name: Peso_117

The Nightmare Montre
Owner: ChocoboHoney

Age: 14 years, 6 months

Born: December 17th, 2009

Adopted: 11 years, 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: May 3rd, 2013


  • Level: 20
  • Strength: 19
  • Defense: 12
  • Speed: 12
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 25
  • Books Read: 24
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Register Supervisor

The world is full of colors, but Peso hasn't seen them. His world had always been bleak; dark since the day he'd gone out into the world of Subeta. Named for the currency he'd been sold for, 1 measly peso, to a man who'd bought him thinking he'd be trained as an excellent fighting Montre. But when he proved too weak a fighter for his then owner's wants he was sold again, to a witch for experimenting.

His mother, when he was a cub, had always told him that he was destined to find great love, that the day he was born the stars had shone brighter for him than any other child she had birthed and that meant his fate was good; at the time he believed her, but then life began to unfold. After the witch got hold of him, he ceased to be that cub with a great future destined for anything as the darkness of the experiments poured over him. When the witch had achieved the desired effects and her research completed again, Peso found himself with nowhere to go.

However, when he thought the darkness in his heart was too much to bear, he took to wandering the streets of Subeta’s cities. Just as the endless plodding from place to place had taken its toll on his paws She had found him...or more to the truth, he had bumped into her in the main street of some small village in the last throws of Vesnali.

When he looked up at what he had run into he had to squint through the light of the sun to see. At first he was dazzled by the colors that flooded his shadow-stained eyes and the wind seemed to catch in his lungs as the visage of a woman, a human woman with silvery-blond hair and eyes the color of a summer's sky smiled warmly down at him. She wore a dress of flower petals the color of dawn and had flowers wove throughout her hair; she was bedecked in her Vesnali best and it had made Peso wonder if her warm smile would turn into shudders and revulsion when she would see that his filthy snout had sullied her fine skirts.

Ready with a growl, certain that he would be shunned just as he had countless times before, he was shocked when the lady knelt down eye-level to him and pulled from a basket in her hands a loaf of festival bread. She gingerly offered him a bite as she murmured soft words of encouragement. At first Peso had thought this some kind of trick and snapped at the offering, catching the soft flesh of her hand in his teeth. But she held still, didn't pull back in fear and hate, nor flinch. To his surprise she didn't even cry. She simply smiled warmly again and reached out with her free hand and petted his muzzle.

"It's ok, boy. I'm not going to hurt you."

Peso had never felt more wretched than he had in all the years of his life prior. He released her hand and lapped at the petal-soft skin that he had stained with the lady's own blood, something in him begged her forgiveness and it was then that he realized that he was hers... But more importantly she was his! To his complete and utter relief and joy she hugged him and spoke honeyed words in his great, black ears and he knew then that he was in love. Peso followed the lady home that day. His heart nearly flew out his breast when she told him her name: Choco. She somehow knew his name, Peso, and hearing her call him by his name made him fall for her all the more.

Now he lives a life of contentment at the Lady's farm helping her as best he can with her chores, and never letting her out of his sight. With every day that passes he does his best to show her that he loves her, that she is the reason the color of life has returned to him. But how can a Montre without words express his heart to his truelove? Peso, while not minding the presence of the others, will stop at nothing to find some way of keeping Choco as his and his alone; no man, human or Subetan, can have her heart because it belongs to Peso...

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