
Fleep has a minion!

Veljean the Aeon

Legacy Name: Fleep

The Glade Devonti
Owner: Celna

Age: 14 years, 5 months, 3 weeks

Born: December 27th, 2009

Adopted: 12 years, 11 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: June 23rd, 2011


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

A forget me not with a broken memory.

About Fleep

Age Unknown.
Eye Color Brown.
Height 3'6".
Favorites Hearing stories, flowers, Valjean (her Aeon), visiting the Survivor Memorial, and discovering new things.
Health Issues Severe memory loss of both her long term and short term memory.

How the flower broke

No one knows exactly what caused her mind to break, but no one doubts that her mind was broken at one point. Fleep was found wandering around in a field of forget me nots, trying to sort the flowers by color. She was brought here, with the hope that one day the broken links in her memory would be restored. Ever since, she's made new friends over and over again. Rhena reads her stories every day (really, she reads the same story over and over again each day). There's a joy in the innocence that comes with no memory, and that seems to be Fleep's way of making it through life. She doesn't remember pain, so it doesn't sting. She doesn't remember joy, so each day comes with brand new joys. There are few things she loves more than learning to do new things (over and over again). Unfortunately, her memory loss means that she rarely finishes her projects.

Maybe one day the broken links in her memory will reconnect. Maybe they won't. Until then, you can find Fleep listening to Rhena read her stories or bugging Rhustey to fix her memory.

The few connectable links

While Fleep's memory is sporadic and often confusing, there are a few links that connect. The few memories that can be made sense of all seem to revolve around the Survivor Memorial. Her favorite items always link to the survivor, or she mentions that Amy would have loved something. Maybe there's a connection to Amy's death and Fleep's memory going awry, or maybe it's sheer coincidence. After all, a forget me not shouldn't be able to forget so much without some sort of trauma.

At this stone, shed not a tear,
Though our time with you is done.
Our memory should always be,
A blessed and contented one.
When you think you walk alone,
Always try to be serene,
For part of us is here with you,
Even if we are unseen.

A day in the life of a forget me not

*story from her perspective coming soon*

Coding by Adina

Profile design by Celna

Art from

Pet Treasure

Survival Yellow Memory Flower

Red Split Bellflower

Blue Bellflowers

Pet Friends

Will you please, oh please, read me another story? Pretty please?

Do you think one of your inventions could fix my memory? Is that possible?

I wish I could remember everything like you.

You know, you're not that scary to me! But you are fun to play with.