
Night Lore has a minion!

Trecastor the Revontuli

Night Lore
Legacy Name: Night Lore

The Bloodred Celinox
Owner: MidnightValley

Age: 14 years, 5 months, 1 week

Born: January 17th, 2010

Adopted: 14 years, 5 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: January 17th, 2010

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 9
  • Strength: 11
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 13
  • HP: 13/13
  • Intelligence: 5
  • Books Read: 5
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Pet Profile by: disconnectedrumors

Night Lore isn't a menacing Celinox. No sir he isn't. He just doesn't like people disturbing him from watching the stars, or from a good book. He is a magician, the twister of time. He doesn't like practicing the dark arts, and avoided the whole evil section in his spell book altogether. His love of the stars and fireworks made him hate the sun, as it covered the stars and blinded his old eyes (though I say that it makes him look uglier in the daylight, but he doesn't admit it). Night Lore uses a magical powder to cast his magic. The powder is contained in a small white bag, and should not be touched by others. He is great in knowledge in the founding of the universe, the stars, and magic (but only light and good magic). Trecastor his trustworthy minion that has been with him ever since his young traveling years can normally be found talking with the old sage, debating over the course of the stars and the mysteries of time. Overall, he is an old Celinox containing a bowlful of knowledge, a hint of sarcasm and a sprinkle of humor. He is an approachable fella, and loves to tell stories about the forming of our galaxy and about reading the stars to young ones, so don't be afraid to approach him. He doesn't bite, at least not that hard. ;)

Earning His Markings

When Night Lore was still a young traveler, he was markingless, with a night blue pelt and nothing else in his fur. This story young one is how Night Lore earned his markings. When he was traveling in the countryside, one winter night, he looked up and saw the millions of stars dotting the sky. It was then that he realized how small, just how small the animals were and how amazing the universe was. He looked and looked, watched and watched until his friends were impatient to get out of the chilling cold. He said no, he wanted to watch the stars, to see more, to hear more, to look and see the stories within the glowing stars. He was then left alone with his faithful minion, Trecastor. They looked into the night sky for seemingly hours, and as Night Lore prepared to leave, he saw a sudden glowing white dot streak across the sky. He blinked, but it was gone. Perhaps it was a shooting star, perhaps not but Night Lore still wished. He squeezed his eyes shut and wished, wished with all his heart that his fate be entwined with that of the beautiful shining stars. And as he opened his eyes, he saw a bright shining whiteness hanging from the sky in the distance, brighter than any other star he had ever seen before. No, it wasn’t an airplane he was sure of that, it was… Before he could say anything, Trecastor gasped in shock as he saw his pelt. The markingless night blue was dotted with stars, one connected to another. His white underbelly was now a pastel rainbow, and his spikes were more crystallized and much more prettier than he had ever imagined and reflected the same color as his underbelly. As he looked into the lake, he saw on his forehead a bright shining star, and the crescent moon on his left cheek. His eyes were glowing now, with no boundaries to his knowledge, his imagination; as he had no pupils. White mist entwined his legs as he looked at the place where the shining star was hanging from the sky, but it was gone. He knew, he just knew that the star was now forever imprinted on his heart.

Pet Treasure

Star Chart


Celestium Ore

Galaxy Orb

Fallen Stars

Bottled Star

Pet Friends