
Deacon_302 has a minion!

Minion the Meeris

Legacy Name: Deacon_302

The Glacier Demi
Owner: Knabhe

Age: 14 years, 4 months, 4 weeks

Born: January 30th, 2010

Adopted: 14 years, 4 months, 4 weeks ago

Adopted: January 30th, 2010


  • Level: 9
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Exiting the cabin, Deacon exhaled purposefully, seeing his breath in the cold morning air. Though it was an unscientific check, it seemed a nice confirmation that he and his crew had finally sailed far enough north. They were going to have to keep an eye out for their intended catch.

He paced the deck, pulling his blue jacket more tightly around his chest. A sharp knife dangled precariously from his brown belt, but it shone brightly when the light hit it just so. He intentionally wore it without a sheath, as a symbol of the sort of damage he could inflict with ease.

Yelling out orders to his crew, he adjusted the bandana around his neck and fiddled with his hat. Captain Deacon was excited! The ship moved through the water at a leisurely pace, but the crew was on guard. Eyes were constantly watching the water, and the men were rushing about the ship preparing weapons, making sure there was plenty of rope, and doing other odd tasks.

They nodded respectfully to their captain. Deacon was a strange sort of pirate. He had a good heart, and avoided causing harm to other humans. They say the ocean called to him one day, and he had answered that call, dedicating his life to sailing the world and commanding a crew of like-minded men. To be quite honest, they found him a bit eccentric, but Captain Deacon’s skill in battle was unmatched, and he had earned their respect.

“Cap’n!” his second-in-command, a bulky man who was sharper than he looked, called out. Deacon hurried over, and leaned over the side of the ship. Sure enough, the water rippled darkly, a fast current on a calm day.

“Steady men!” he yelled out. “Prepare yourselves!”

He turned to his second-in-command, a man named Miller, to issue additional orders when the sun disappeared from his back, and the monster from the water greeted them.

He dove swiftly across the deck as it placed two paws on the ledge and ripped them off. His men were shouting, but he trusted them to know what to do. His job was to take down the monster; their job was to make sure he lived long enough to succeed.

The monster dove back into the water, its light blue ears slipping in silently. Miller ordered the men to be quite, and they each listened and looked intently for the monster.

When Deacon and his crew had last visited land, they had heard of the dreaded Meeris that terrified the northern waters. It looked friendly enough, like a pet the mermaids might own. Its blue flesh was decorated with patches of dark blue, and its bright purple eyes seemed friendly and open. It was a clever look, for it allowed the Meeris to entice children out to sea, where rumor had said that it devoured them. This suspicion had been confirmed when a child’s bones had later washed onto shore.

Never being one to run scared, Captain Deacon had accepted the challenge. For some reason, his ship attracted monsters, so he and his men were experienced with such battles.

The Meeris suddenly shot out of the water, and Miller successfully landed a spear in its underside. It howled and crashed to the deck, and Deacon saw his opportunity. Running swiftly around the deck, his blue coat flapping loudly behind him with the movement, Deacon pulled his knife from belt. Leaping into the air, his cap leaving his head, he landed directly on his target. The knife plunged downward, and the Meeris howled. He held on tightly as the creature bucked and squirmed. Gripping the handle tightly, he twisted the knife, and the Meeris fell silent.

He panted with exertion, the sweat dripping off his face, despite the cool air. When he stood, Miller handed Deacon his cap, and the crew greeted him with cheers of joy and victory. Gripping the hat, he placed it firmly on his head and smiled to himself. Just another adventure in the life of a pirate.

Deacon by Bowser
CI by User not found: shur
Story by twocents

Pet Treasure

Blue Pirate Bandana

Black Pirate Bandana


Black Pirate Handkerchief

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