
Shadow Moon_648 has a minion!

Noah the Twiwolf

Shadow Moon_648
Legacy Name: Shadow Moon_648

The Darkmatter Montre
Owner: kabrevi

Age: 14 years, 3 months, 3 days

Born: February 25th, 2010

Adopted: 14 years, 3 months, 3 days ago

Adopted: February 25th, 2010

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Werewolves. Once a time feared, cursed and hunted creatures, in the last years they managged to live normally as regular humans. How? Simple: after centuries of impotence their technology finally got advanced enough to designe a way to block what triggers the transformation. It's funny though, they haven't found yet what exactly is it, they just found a way to block it casually when a scientist's assistent that had just been unknowingly cursed attacked his mentor and she, in order to survive, locked him up in a room they were working in. I think the room was being designed for a space program or something like that, but whatever, that's not important.

After that incident more rooms like that one were made, all proven successfull at stopping werewolves around the world from morphing, and as such the curse was no longer feared. Reglamentations were made, and after signing something like a contract normal humans created they finally became a part of society. That contract included some rules that werewolves were to follow, but the most important one was for them to arrive to the WNF (Werewolf Nulification Facility) at every full moon to enter in their designated rooms, along with all their 20-or-so roomates.

Not everyone followed this rule of course, some loved the idea of freeing their wild side once a month and run away from all the problems and worries that binded them in their normal life, which obviously created some animosity. Others instead had enough resources to buy a chamber for themselves, so they installed it in their homes, made it as confortable as they wanted to and enjoyed some time alone or with friends, depending on their taste.

Leaving aside those people, everything was runing perfectly for the owners of WNF, too perfectly if you ask me. And not just that, they were ruining that which I worked day and night for years to accomplish, casting a spell like that one its not easy you know? I just had to stop it, and that's why after a long, long time, my curse got a little update.

It was what seemed to be just a regular day. The moon wasn't at an specific fase and it wasn't even dusk when suddenly the transformation begun. It was just an experiment at that point -don't make me explain the mechanism behind the curse please-, so that first out-of-schedule metamorphosis was quite painful and horrific. Anyway what those people felt was none of my business and instead I delighted myself with what I saw: overcome by the bloodthirsty instinct I gave them those who minutes ago were just working, studying or whatever were now attacking those close to them, cursing them too.

It didn't last as the normal, full moon transformation does, it was a sacrifice I had to made in order to use a cycle other than the moon's. Nevertheless it was worth it. And not just that, but by linking it to many other celestial bodies and their respective cycles I made it almost imposible for them to predict when is the curse going to activate next or how long will it last. In fact a couple of years from today there'll be a month-long transformation, I'm impatient to see it, the screaming, the killing, the blood... but I digress

The days that followed were filled with fear and chaos. Humans didn't know what to do, since their values told them to help the injured while their fear made them want to kill them instead for their own safety. Werewolves on the other hand felt the rejection of commoners and so many isolated themselves trying not to hurt anybody, some tried to help to redeem themselves even though it wasn't at all their fault (it was mine), and others instead begun to hate and resent those who excluded them and so they begun to form groups -or could packs be more appropiate?- to antagonize humans.

After a while things sort of calmed down since, which is normal, their species tends to have really short attention span. Despite that it never stopped to be an unresolved issue, and a very polemic one by the way, specially after some people sugested to lock the cursed ones up for the rest of their lives.

Which brings us to current world-wide events. The werewolf packs formed after what the press and general public called Shadow Moon -name which, of course, I dearely liked- grew in both size and number when the suggestion was made and now they're forming a coalition. Their members threw away whatever they could of their humanity and are becoming more and more like real wolv... well like stupid beasts actually, real wolves are much more organized and smart. However, following their desire to become the real animal they are acquiring some of their behavior, including the territory stuff, and that is what has prevented them for joining forces completely, but the ones that still keep some degree of self-awareness and inteligence have already made a truce in order to overcome their mutual enemies.

On the human side meanwhile scientists are as useless as they were before, diplomacy works only with the ones willing to abide, which after everything that's happened its a mayor minority, and now they're slowly taking what was obviously the only path I left for them: to kill. I'm sure everyone will come to accept this in the end, but for now some people still think they should have human rights, despite everything that the organized packs have done to them, which is admirable. Pointless, but admirable.

And what about me? Well, I'm having the time of my life, though I have to admit that sometimes it's hard to watch it, being that it is all happening on every corner of the world. Aside for the fact that I've missed an important event or two for not being at the right place at the righ time, I couldn't ask for more. Well, there might actually be something I could ask for. Lately there's this guy who actually apreciated what I did -he says that it freed his inner animal or something like that- and has been following me for a while. I don't even know how the hell did he found about me, but it's starting to be annoying. I swear one of this days I'm going to kill this Noah guy even though he's the greatest psycho I know and one of the most fun-to-watch serial killers. It'll be a pity but if he keeps it like that I'll be forced to do it.

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Dark Magic
I couldn't have done it without your teachings