
Miharu_562 has a minion!

Nazcy the Svarta

Legacy Name: Miharu_562

The Galactic Kumos
Owner: Kahina

Age: 14 years, 2 months, 2 weeks

Born: April 3rd, 2010

Adopted: 14 years, 2 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: April 3rd, 2010


  • Level: 10
  • Strength: 13
  • Defense: 13
  • Speed: 11
  • Health: 12
  • HP: 12/12
  • Intelligence: 17
  • Books Read: 17
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Name:Miharu Chang
Color of the eyes:Golden
Color of the hair:Black
Height (HA):1,72
Weight (HA):70 pounds

-Miharu? It is well? - It heard the voice of Bloody, its sister.
-The one that happened?
-The battle between packs finished.
-It swears? We are successful? - Miha if raised, and very was hurt.
-Erm, not.
In this instant, Miha looked at for scared Bloody, then looking at for the sides:
-And the remaining portion of the pack? I fainted? What it had, Bloody?!
-You it fainted during the battle, then without I assist, the remaining portion of the pack died. And I ran away…
At this moment, Miha felt the heart to press. All that it loved, were died. But it was one magical wolf, full of being able, she has as to recommence, and she was this that it made. “Reincarnated” as one cold, sinic and calculating. It was bitten by Prela, thus then turning one vampire, Prela also was the only one that it received it well in the new house. Soon Luiki knew, to who it loves.
Nome: Miharu Chang
Apelido: Miha
Idade: 16 anos
Cor dos olhos: Dourados
Cor do cabelo: Preto
Altura (HA): 1,72
Peso (HA): 70kg
A História

-Miharu? Está bem? – Ela ouviu a voz de Bloody, sua irmã.
-O que aconteceu?
-A batalha entre alcatéias acabou.
-Jura? Nós vencemos? – Miha se levantou, e estava muito machucada.
-Erm, não.
Nesse instante, Miha olhou para Bloody assustada, logo olhando para os lados:
-E o resto da alcatéia? Eu desmaiei? O que houve, Bloody?!
-Você desmaiou durante a batalha, então sem auxilio, o resto da alcatéia morreu. E eu fugi...
Nesse momento, Miha sentiu o coração apertar. Todos que ela amava, estavam mortos. Mas ela era uma loba mágica, cheia de poder, tem como recomeçar, e foi isso que ela fez. “Reencarnou” como uma loba fria, sínica e calculista. Foi mordida por Prela, assim então virando uma vampira, Prela também foi o único que a acolheu bem na nova casa. Logo conheceu Luiki, a quem ela ama.

Pet Treasure

Common Harvester Raincloak

Darkmatter Magic Wand

Black Coda Caves Crystal

Pet Friends





Bloods Rain
I dont like you. But you're my sister.