
Legacy Name: Altair Ibn-La-Ahad

The Glacier Celinox
Owner: Alduin

Age: 14 years, 1 month, 2 weeks

Born: April 11th, 2010

Adopted: 14 years, 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: April 11th, 2010


  • Level: 41
  • Strength: 56
  • Defense: 22
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 4
  • Books Read: 4
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Al Mualim: "Remember… nothing is true."
Altaïr: "Everything is permitted."

Altaïr was an Assassin during the time of the Third Crusade, and later Grand Master of the Assassin's Order. He was raised at the Assassin's fortress at Masyaf and, because of his incredible skills, quickly rose among the ranks of the Order, eventually becoming one of the most respected and feared Assassins on the Order, second only to the brotherhood's leader, Al Mualim. He once had a rebellious nature, impatent, demanding, self-centered, arrogant and over-confident, taking the Creed to mean that he should be free to do as he pleases, replying when told to respect the Creed's way that "his way was better".

Unfortunately his arrogance and over-confidence would lead to his downfall. During a mission to retrieve the Apple of Eden he allowed his eagerness to exact revenge on Robert de Sable cloud his judgement, and instead of retieving the Apple and leaving he confronted Robert, leading to the failure of the mission, the critical injury of Malik A-Sayf which caused him to lose his arm and the death of Malik's brother Kadar. Following this, Altair was demoted to the rank of novice, and sent on a quest for redemption, to regain his title and weapons.

Unbeknownst to him, the nine targets of his missions made up the ranks of the Knights Templar in the Holy Land and as his quest continued he found himself questioning what he saw, what he was told. Altaïr begun a year long quest to change his ways and liberate the Kingdom from the corruption of the Nine, but during his quest he became aware of a plot far more sinister and worrying than originally believed. As his mission progressed, his attitude changes and he starts to perceive more between the lines and actions of the world while drawing upon the teachings of the Creed, prior a guide, now a way of life. He eventually completed his quest and, armed with the truth, returned to face the true enemy who had been decieving him all along.

At the end of the conflict, all of his brash and rebellious nature had been put under control and he became a calm, focused, driven, humble, patient and wise man. Smart and dedicated, his studies and determination to ensure “peace in all things” made sure the order survived to fight for that for as long as it was necessary, as he understood that the new world would have no place for the current ways of the assassins.

The Apple in hand, Altaïr changed the ways his Order lived their lives; writing his fabled Codex for later generations of his family to read. His name would continue to resonate through the Order in later years, greatly influencing the lives of his descendants in years to come.


The name “Altaïr” is a word in the Arabian language, meaning “The Flyer”/”The Flying One”.
The second part of his name “Ibn–La'Ahad” means “son of no one”, reflecting his mysterious origins.

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