
Victorieaux has a minion!

Minion the Excessively Horrifying Spider

Legacy Name: Victorieaux

The Dusk Jollin
Owner: Breac

Age: 14 years, 3 weeks

Born: April 28th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 11 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: May 23rd, 2010


  • Level: 122
  • Strength: 307
  • Defense: 305
  • Speed: 292
  • Health: 305
  • HP: 285/305
  • Intelligence: 314
  • Books Read: 302
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Head of Operations

He was supposed to have gotten a second chance; he was supposed to have turned it all around. Now, as he wipes the last grimy bits of sleep from his eyes, head pounding from a new hangover, he vaguely wonders how everything managed to fall apart again. Bleakly opening his bloodshot eyes to view the unknown alley he's ended up in this time, Victorieaux then begins the perilous task of rising to his feet and finding his way home. Steady now, steady...

And just like that, the world comes crashing down again. As the sound of his own defeat echoes noisily in his liquor-sensitive ears, Victor stares blankly up into the coming evening (or perhaps dawn) as he slowly goes over once again how his life managed to end up this way.


He'd come into the world like so many others. The result of some kid's desire for a friend in the foreign land of Subeta. Some random newbie kid, whose name nor face Victorieaux could even remember. Just some kid. That was all. Some kid who'd just recently come to Subeta and wasn't even sure if he'd like it or not. Some kid who made a pet out of obligation, not desire. Some kid who tired of him after a week or two. A person who he couldn't even clearly recall who just vanished one day, never to return. A kid who Victorieaux never really knew, yet would never be able to get over.

With no one to support him and nowhere to turn, Victorieaux had no choice but to head to the pound in the fleeting hope of finding a better future there. Almost a month passed in that soul-crushing hell before someone adopted him.

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Pet Treasure

Sparkling Champagne and Berries

Black Pirate Bandana

Common Six-Shooter

Frostberry Vodka

Six Pack of Hard Cider



Maroon Broken Bottle

Belted Glass Drinking Flask

Brewski Brand Brewski


Pet Friends

Miss Mall
My sister, always with her head in a book and too scared to go out and live life.

My other sister, and the one I was closest to. I wonder if she worries...

You...You are my cancer and my breath. Why can't I leave you?