
Extrydous has a minion!

Carniv the Pumpkin Parasite

Legacy Name: Extrydous

The Graveyard Antlephore
Owner: Bio_hazardous

Age: 14 years, 1 month, 2 days

Born: May 12th, 2010

Adopted: 14 years, 1 month, 2 days ago

Adopted: May 12th, 2010


  • Level: 10
  • Strength: 25
  • Defense: 20
  • Speed: 20
  • Health: 20
  • HP: 20/20
  • Intelligence: 17
  • Books Read: 17
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Register Supervisor


Extrydous is, well, was one of the most beautiful Antlephores in all of the Marshlands. His coat was sleek and shiny, his stomach held more of a green tinge to it than the others and his antlers were a sight for anyone to see. His herd looked to him with respect and trust as he led them to green pastures and clean waters. He always kept a watchful eye over those who followed him and chased off any predator that might have seen a meal out of a stray fawn or a weaker buck. As winter started to draw near the rain began to fall more often and heavier than in the warmer months making it hard to find anywhere to feed without sinking in the muck.

As he came upon a large clearing with plenty of food and no other animals to have to share any of it with. This was a blessing with the waters slowly rising. They would have to seek shelter for the cold months on higher ground with scarce food and much competition for that food. As the herd settled in for their much appreciated meal none of them heard the rustle of their bleak fate approaching. It wasn't long till a fawn, new to the world, saw that one of the larger trees had a very strange shadow. He bounced and slide and ran to the tree to see what could have made the odd spikes along it's trunk. The fawn didn't get very far before the shadow decided to move towards his soon-to-be meal. Extydous looked towards the fawn as a large, dusk colored velosotor emerged from the shade of a marshwillow. The fawn, though young, knew the sharp claws and long teeth were not safe to be near and took off running back to his mother, the large predator close on his tail. As the entire herd made a mass stampede away from the reptile Extrydous moved towards it, ramming it with all his strength, knocking it sideways just moments before it would have sunk it's teeth into the young antlephore's back.

Only briefly stunned it didn't take long for the velosotor to regain his baring, now left with only one choice for his meal. Extrydous knew he was the only thing standing between the malicious lizard and it's feast. Though greatly outmatched he stood unflinching and fought valiantly. The much larger foe was clumsy on the slippery and wet turf of the marshlands, giving the much smaller, much quicker defender the upper hand in the fight, until one wrong step. His foot went down on a small bit of exposed, smooth limestone, and he slid and rolled to the ground. As he was pulling himself back to his feet he felt a sharp pain in his lower back and before he knew it he was hanging upside down, rows of sharp teeth deep sunk deep into his flesh. Though he only felt the pain for a short bit before he was shaken violently, effectively breaking his back in several places. His head was spinning as blood ran down his back, he squirmed weakly, kicking his front legs and quickly biting onto his enemy's arm. This caused the velosotor to throw him across the clearing and into a tree, further breaking bones, leaving the half dead creature in a heap.Extrydous lay gasping in air, knowing his end was near but still thankful that his herd had escaped safely. He watched as the carnivore charged towards him, just as it got close a loud bang rang out, causing the birds to scatter and the lizard fell. Then everything went black.

He lay floating in blackness, he felt cold but he didn't hurt anymore.

He slowly opened his eyes to find himself laying on something soft. He blinked a few times to clear up his vision. Light filtered in through a large window and he found himself laying on a small bed in a clean, warm room. Out the window small birds sang merrily in the spring time sun. Could it be spring long had he slept...where was he? This couldn't be heaven...could it? He heard a noise and sat up to see a thin girl standing in the door way 'Good to see you're awake. I was beginning to worry it hadn't worked.'

-Worried what hadn't worked?- he wondered silently to himself. The girl just gave an apologetic smile.'I'm sorry about the leg, your original one was beyond repair, though you were lucky enough that your friend had one to spare.'

It was only then did Extydous catch his reflection in the mirror. He almost jumped from the site of the creature starting back at him. This creature's eyes were a rotting yellow, and he only had half of one antler, splintered at the ends. He shifted to see more of himself. His fur was molded and dirty, dulling his colors down to nothing more than muck. He had mushrooms growing out of hips and there was a large gaping hole on his back. He had vivid memories on how that happened. Where he should have been able to see his spine he instead saw metal and gears connecting and spreading where bones were missing. He lifted his front legs, his left one had been replaced with a thin, sharp rapture leg. He flexed the new fingers, they felt odd but he did prefer it over no leg at all. There were stitches holding his shoulder shut and stretching down his back. He was told they would never heal since he was not quite alive.

As the days went by he learned to walk again, training himself to control the gears and use his new leg. He became good friends with the girl and she told him how she found him submerged and rotting in the waters of the marsh next to a skinned lizard with a bullet hole in it's head. She talked about how she fixed him and brought him back with just a little green goo which ended up changing his eyes to yellow. He began to move about more and helped the girl, who he now called Bio, around her country house. She made him a cover for his exposed back out of glass and secured it with metal fasteners so she could repair the gears when needed.Things seemed to be going good till his hind leg stopped working one day. Bio checked it out to find it had been infested with a worm that had been slowly eating away at the meat till nothing was left. She removed his right leg, and after a few failed attempt managed to make him a new one that, like most of his insides, was made gears and metal.

The day finally came when he was repaired enough to go back to his herd but, he chose to stay with the girl. His herd thought of him as dead and he felt it was probably better for them like that. He asked to stay with Bio, and she happily agreed. After a few months of training he was given his parasite, though now as a pet. He allowed the worm to live in his shoulder, under the stitches as long as it didn't eat any part of him.

Time went on and before he knew it there were more like him, each one uniquely changed from what they were. Each one, like himself, was taken from a horrible fate and brought to a place they no longer need to worry or want for anything any more. For him, his death wasn't the end. Not in the least, it was his real beginning. His days are now spent with Bio in the hilly countryside just south of Veta. Though Bio allows him to stay for free he pushes himself to earn his 'rent' by helping with her projects. Immune to the bio-toxic chemicals she uses he tends to carry them for her. Though his favorite job of all is helping those who've been brought back.

Pet Treasure

Nuclear Potion

Nuclear Matter

Essence of Toxic Love

Pet Friends