
Oishii has a minion!

Arroz the Foof

Legacy Name: Oishii

The Arid Feli
Owner: raichu

Age: 14 years, 1 month, 3 days

Born: May 22nd, 2010

Adopted: 14 years, 1 month, 3 days ago

Adopted: May 22nd, 2010

Pet Spotlight Winner
January 14th, 2011


  • Level: 323
  • Strength: 807
  • Defense: 806
  • Speed: 805
  • Health: 805
  • HP: 0/805
  • Intelligence: 97
  • Books Read: 96
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Stock Worker

Slurping an escaping ramen noodle into his mouth, Oishii yelled out orders through a mouthful of food. "Grmph, dun le' da 'tir fry bern."
After reassuring himself that the cooks had understood the message, Oishii flitted out of the kitchen, fanning himself with a fan modeled after the Japanese flag. Bouncing around the floor was his dearest pet, Arroz. Arroz looked faintly like a rice ball, pure white and round with beady black eyes. Oishii wasn't sure which species Arroz was supposed to be, but he figured that anything that looks like food had to have a good soul.

He picked up a decorative orange soup cup, which had been filled to the brim with a steaming noodle soup by some generous cook. Oishii stirred the chopsticks thoughtfully. It was early morning, so his customers were still working through their morning routines, before they'd come by his food store and eat their fill of various onigiri.

"Hey, Chef!" he called back to the kitchen, pausing a moment to let the man poke his head out the door. "Let's fill the morning's onigiri with salted salmon!" He hummed pleasantly to himself, imaging the rice and salmon combination sliding deliciously down his throat.

He finished off his cup of noodles before banging open the wooden doors to his restaurant. "Welcome! Welcome!" he called out cheerfully, a lazy, wide grin situating itself comfortably across his face. "Oishii has your stomach's desires! Delicious onigiri filled with salted salmon! Also serving onigiri filled with umeboshi for the young and kombu for the more adventurous folks! Come in! Come in!"

Oishii smiled at each passing individual, waving them in, and letting his fan encourage the scents of the kitchen out. Whenever someone would make eye contact, his smile would widen, and his voice would rise. "Come in! Come in! Uncle Oishii has breakfast all ready for you! Ah, I hear your stomach rumbling! It's trying to tell you that it wants to eat some ramen noodle soup, today served in a fish-based broth!"

Gradually, his usual customers, and those too meek to deny Oishii's encouraging words, filtered into the shop, crowding around the small tables. Satisfied with the fullness of his shop, Oishii wandered back into the kitchen, gathering up many plates to deliver to the hungry customers. When he reentered the dining room with enough food to serve seven tables, those lucky seven cheered while others' mouths watered at the wonderful scents.

Glancing up toward the windows, Oishii noticed curious individuals peeking in, trying to catch a glimpse of what was causing so much racket. His smile widened, and he called out to them, "Come in! Come in!" And in true fashion of the character of his shop, his customers added a second cheer. "Come in! Come in! Oishii is serving today!"

Layout and coding by Captain
Story by twocents
CIs by Cherish, Slytherin and User not found: stariax2
Profile art by raichu

Pet Treasure

Bento Sweet Dumplings


Miso Soup

Toshikoshi Soba

Bento Box

Bento Cherry Tomatoes

Bento Sweet Rice

Bento Tea

Bento Sushi

Bento Candy

Bento Rice Triangles

Bento Kelpwrap

Bento Rolled Omelet

Bento Carrots

Squid on a Stick

Hanami Dango


Soy Sauce





Traditional Teacup

Hirame Sushi

Steamed Rice

Anko Dango

Square Watermelon

Ebi Sushi


Soy Sauce Senbei

Hamachi Sushi

Asian Sesame Chicken Salad


Tsukimi Dango

Tanuki Udon

Ika Sushi

Maguro Sushi

Pumpkin Seed Senbei

Kitsune Udon

Sesame Seed Senbei

Fried Rice

Plain Senbei


Unagi Sushi

Goma Dango

Green Teapot

Mitarashi Dango


Pet Friends