
Parawhackit has a minion!

Frost the Snow Fairy

Legacy Name: Parawhackit

The Glacier Kora
Owner: Hellephant

Age: 14 years, 2 weeks, 4 days

Born: May 28th, 2010

Adopted: 14 years, 2 weeks, 4 days ago

Adopted: May 28th, 2010


  • Level: 16
  • Strength: 41
  • Defense: 40
  • Speed: 38
  • Health: 40
  • HP: 36/40
  • Intelligence: 149
  • Books Read: 149
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

"Winter had always been difficult in Alpendale, a cozy valley village nestled within the mountains of Arctic Frost, but somehow the rugged villagers had always managed to get by. Nothing, however, could have prepared them for the fierce blizzard that seemed to whirl up out of nowhere; the worst they had ever seen. Undaunted they waited, sure that it would pass." (from Subetapedia)Most Subetans know that story of Luminaire: A bunch of towns people get stuck in a blizzard without food and supplies, but just before they became the Subetan equivalent of the Donner Party, a courageous youth braved the storm to help them. When Melody had lost her way, thousands of snow fairies found her and lit her way the way to those in need. SHe made it and there was much rejoicing blah blah blah.A less known story is that of Parawhackit. He used to be normal Kora until that fateful blizzard turned him into a Glacier Kora. Frozen in place, he sat by and watched the feasting, gift giving and merry making totally alone. He was shut out from all the houses in Alpendale and those he used to call friends shunned him because of his strange appearance. So, with the smell of cookies, warm fires and wrapping paper in the air (yes wrapping paper has a very specific smell), he sat and wept in the snow. It was so cold that his tears froze his eyes to a steely gray and his snot formed icicles on his nose.Just when he was about to lose all hope a tiny snow fairy named Frost found him looking through the window of a cabin and took pity on him. She freed his nostrils of the pesky icicles, looked into his cold eyes and smiled. Parawhackit found it impossible to return the sentiment. Saddened, Frost searched throughout the village for something to make the poor Glacier Kora smile. She brought him a delicious Luminaire cookie and Parawhackit ate it, but still couldn't smile. She brought him some hot coco with mini marshmallows and coco powder and he drank it, but his heart was still too cold to show any happiness. She brought him a present and he opened it and thanked her, but still his cheeks were frozen.As a last resort, Frost found other fairies to help her search. Though they brought the sad Kora many splendors his face was fixed in a sad frown. Then a Subetan came tripped over the frozen little Kora surrounded by fairies as she returned from the outhosue. "Aww you poor little thing, what are you still doing out here?" she asked. The Kora looked at the girl expressionlessly. Dancing up and down, because of the cold the girl patted the Kora on the head, "Why don't you come inside my house? It's dreadfully cold out here and you're frozen solid! Come on, you can come stay with me as long as you like." The stranger's words warmed the cockles of the sad Kora's heart and Parawhackit smiled up at Hellephant. The fairies rejoiced at the adorable Kora's smile and Parawhackit, Hellephant and the fairies haven't parted since that day.

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