
Legacy Name: Dianella_430

The Bloodred Torrent
Owner: LostBooks

Age: 14 years, 1 week, 2 days

Born: June 11th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 10 months, 6 days ago

Adopted: August 14th, 2010


  • Level: 9
  • Strength: 23
  • Defense: 21
  • Speed: 21
  • Health: 21
  • HP: 10/21
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Deadly Dianella

Dianella is the trump card of the mob group that travels the roads of Shadowglen and Darkside.
No one is completely sure of their origin, but everyone knows they can handle any job.
Everyone also knows that whenever a job requires sheer savagery, Dianella is set loose.
Dianella is the last option, the route that is taken when subtlety, guns and intimidation have
failed. Dianella knows not to hurt the other mob members, but the only one she bows to is
the beast tamer Shortbread. No one is quite sure of the relationship between them, but the
other members refer to Dianella as Shortbread's "girlfriend" and he doesn't argue with them.
Dianella does not talk, cannot be reasoned with and cannot be stopped.

Pet Treasure

Spiked Punishment Collar

Black Witchs Brew

Red Coda Caves Crystal

Black Coda Caves Crystal

Pet Friends



