
Meechi has a minion!

Nisarin the Akunda

Legacy Name: Meechi

The Nightmare Feli
Owner: Dragowolf_918

Age: 14 years, 6 days

Born: June 16th, 2010

Adopted: 14 years, 6 days ago

Adopted: June 16th, 2010


  • Level: 3
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed


If you think about it, it truly is kind of funny. The ironic reality that we have be thrust into. One we swore never could have happened. But it did, and we as humans paid the price.
I don't remember much, just simple things like places and objects that probably once held some importance to me. But this is not why I cry. I do not cry for the things I remember, for the ruin the city I once called my home has become. No I cry for the face that holds no value to me yet I remember so clearly. That warm smiling face, smiling at me, for me, letting me know that they were there for me.
Where are they now. Where are they and why did they leave me here alone, cold, broken. It's probably not their fault. I would leave to given the circumstances. My home, my city has become my personal hell. I hide from it the best I can yet they find me. The ones that started this. Those crazed life-less eyes and horrid garble of words to mixed up to understand. They are everywhere, half rotting as they walk around attacking their kin and other alike.
I'm scared. I'm alone but it doesn't matter anymore. That face; the one I do not remember though I wish I could, still haunts me. Taunting me, laughing.
I don't think I've every cried this much but I can't seem to stop. I cry for what has become of me, what has become of the city and I cry for the face that obviously meant so much to me yet no longer holds any value.
Sometimes there are those unlike the mindless ones wandering around. They talk, speak words that I understand yet no longer hold any meaning. Ones that are so alike the face. It's when those come around that I can no longer hold myself back. Rage over takes me and once they are gone, no more then an other blood stain on the ground do I cry again. Cry for the lives that I had taken out of selfish need.
Though in the end it's kind of funny in a truly ironic way.


Name: Meechi
Pronunciation: Me-ch-E
Birth date: June 16th
Age: Looks to be 17.
Gender: Female.
Height: 5'2".
Weight: 92 lbs.
Body Type: Thin/Bony/Slight figure.
Relatives: Brother .
Current Home: An old warehouse by a pier.
Orientation: Straight.
Status: Single- not looking.




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