
Ksu has a minion!

Shadow the Stitches

Legacy Name: Ksu

The Nightmare Paralix
Owner: andliz

Age: 13 years, 11 months, 6 days

Born: July 29th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 11 months, 6 days ago

Adopted: July 29th, 2010


  • Level: 16
  • Strength: 40
  • Defense: 40
  • Speed: 40
  • Health: 40
  • HP: 22/40
  • Intelligence: 95
  • Books Read: 95
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Ksu the Watcher
Potion'd on Friday, August 13th

The fates only know how you ended up in a cemetery at night. Not that you're prone to fits of of fantastical superstition, but you find yourself hurrying your steps nonetheless. You weave in between headstones, tripping over fallen ones as your feet carry you faster and more haphazardly. Finally you stop in the shadow of a mausoleum to catch your breath and calm your nerves. "This is ridiculous," you mutter to yourself, looking around the moon-drenched landscape. "What is there to be afraid of? It's damn near bright as day around-"

"Damn near," a whisper floats down from above you, "But not quite." You freeze, your eyes slowly crawling upwards until you see the silhouette of a Paralix perched like a gargoyle on the roof of the granite structure. His scales shimmer with the darkness, the colors between the two blending and blurring as you try to focus on his shape. He grins down at you, his neck craned at an unnatural angle. The black of his mane drapes silky and long, curling even around his front paws and the exposed claws that click gently against the stone as he shifts his weight to draw closer. "It's a good thing I'm on the clock tonight, eh?" He intones, his voice still just as quiet. "Because there's been a nasty beatie following you," his tongue darts around the end of his muzzle, and his grin grows impossibly wider, "And I was just in the mood for a snack." With that, he returns to his original pose. You suppose you're dismissed, and dazedly leave.

Pet Treasure

Coffin Keychain


Super-Deformed Harvester Doll

Pet Friends