
Irodori no Sanka has a minion!

Memoir the Hummer

Irodori no Sanka
Legacy Name: Irodori no Sanka

The Steamwork Jollin
Owner: SpaceDog

Age: 13 years, 10 months, 1 week

Born: August 6th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 10 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: August 6th, 2010

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 0/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Name: Irodori no Sanka (A song in praise of colors)
Gender: Genderless. However, his psychological gender is male.
Theme song: Irodori no Sanka by Kagrra
Orientation: Asexual
Time...yes, time. It is the key word.The lonely scientist paced his laboratory slowly and hastily as he planned his schematic for his latest creation: A companion. It was the year 3000 and artificial intelligence had long since been discovered before that time. Government officials from ever country and every continent found ways to create artificial beings that they could use to fight their battles and help live their lives for them. To the vast majority of the world, it seemed like a convenience. But to Professor Stewart, it was a disgrace. To create a being and use it for selfish gratification was entirely inhumane. He had previously lot his son, Willow to a war machine that had wreaked havoc among a science convention a few years before. His son was very fond of Jollins and had always wanted one of his very own. But due to the work Professor Stewart had to correspond and work with, he couldn't have any life forms around him that may cause trouble. Willow was never allowed to have a pet. After Willow's death, Doctor Stewart regretted not ever giving his son the one thing he ever wanted: a friend that would always stay alongside him. To make matters more unbearable, Jollins had become extinct in the year 2999. They were all wiped off the face of the earth when a harsh toxic chemical swept through the land and killed much of the forst wildlife.
Doctor Stewart knew he had to rectify this conflict within himself and hold a superficial, physical resemblance of a part of his son that was empty and never fullfilled: He would rectify it by bringing a Jollin to life with his own hands.

"Is there something wrong, father?" Came a voice from a nearby window. Irodori rested his head atop the a windowsill with his head cocked to the side; looking as though he were peering out the window, the metal parts of his neck creaked ever so slightly as he turned his head, "Is there anything I can do to help?" "No, Irodori, there is not. I am simply working on the plans for an experiment." Professor Stewart replied simply. "Oh, I apologize, father. However, may I request to be moved to a more softer and comfortable area? This windowsill is no longer comfortable for me." Professor Stewart passed Irodori a glance and sighed lightly. He had to move Irodori to places he wanted to be because...Irodori had no eyesight. Professor Stewart was not yet capable of such a feat at the present time. Giving a being eyesight was a tedious task which took much time and provision. It would be quite a while before Irodori gained eyesight and was able to walk about himself without bumping into other objects. Professor Stewart walked over and picked Irodori up to carry him to a softer place to lay. "Oh, father..are you really so busy? I was hoping to sit outside with you for a while. I would like to hear the sounds from outside. They carry to me the feeling of peace." Irodori stated evenly. "Hmmmm..." Professor Stewart pondered, "Very well. I suppose I could use a short break from my work."
Professor Stewart carried Irodori outside and sat down with him in the lush, green grass. There was a marvelous sunset approaching that dazzled the sky in magnificent rays of oranges, yellows, creams, and tans. Professor Stewart pulled out a piece of parchment paper from his pocket. It was an old photo of his son Willow. The professor stared at the photo for a long while before standing up and carrying Irodori to a small tomb stone in his backyard. It was his son's grave. "Father, may I ask where we are?" Irodori questioned curiously. "We....are at the grave of my son. I believe I told you about him. He had always wanted a Jollin...a real Jollin...but I never gave him one. It is part of the reason why I have created you, dear one. You are like a physical embodiment of he himself." "Irodori's blank eyes widened in surprise." "Am I really so special to you, father? You are likening me to your deceased loved one? Your son? I am not worthy of such regards for I am not even alive." Irodori lowered his head as if he were sorrowful. "Yes, dear Irodori. You are my loved one reborn. You are alive because I have given you a soul. I have created you. You are a part of me and I of you. Have you not wondered why I have you refer to me as your father? You cannot see me, but I am smiling simply because I am holding you in my arms." Irodori turned his head upward as if to stare at Professor Stewart. "If...only I could see you, father. I would give anything to see your happiness upon you. But I have no eyesight. Therefore I am unable to see you." Irodori once again hung his head. "Look with your heart and not with your eyes, dear one. Everything will become clear and you will see the many colors of the world. You will be able to see me." Professor Stewart held Irodori close as Irodori closed his eyelids for the first time in many months.
The few moments Professor Stewart held Irodori turned into a lifetime. He wanted so much for his creation to have sight and see the world for what it was. A few moments passed and Irodori finally opened his eyes. Again, Irodori saw nothing but darkness. But as he began to blink his eyes a few more times, an image began to turn hazily. Black and white turned into color...and color turned into lush green. Irodori realized he was staring at the ground. "Father...I can see." Irodori stated slowly and evenly. Professor Stewart raised his head and looked down on the being in his arms. He smiled widely before chuckling and holding Irodori up toward the blazing sunset sky. "I knew it!" Professor Stewart shouted gleefully, "I knew you were always with me, my son." Professor Stewart once again brought Irodori toward his chest. Irodori looked up at Professor Stewart and smiled a wide, true smile. "It's good to see you again, father." Professor Stewart could do nothing more than smile and marvel at the many colors swirling within Irodori's eyes. He had not just brought forth a physical being. He had brought forth the soul of the one he loved the most: his son Willow. Willow's soul had always been alive and lingering. It had only taken him time to see it for himself.

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