
Seraphiam has a minion!

Kiwi the Fluff Puff

Legacy Name: Seraphiam

The Galactic Legeica
Owner: ponypal

Age: 13 years, 10 months, 2 weeks

Born: August 7th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 10 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: August 7th, 2010

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 12
  • Strength: 12
  • Defense: 14
  • Speed: 13
  • Health: 29
  • HP: 26/29
  • Intelligence: 9
  • Books Read: 9
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Seraphiam's Blurb
Hey there Seraphiam here whats going on?? id love to know what you think of my story and what you think about me im sure Rachel would love to chat with you as well
as you know from my story i love collecting things with stars so if you could send some my way it will be greatly appreciated ty for listing to my story and to what i have to say and have a good day

Seraphiam's Story
Seraphiam is a Legecia hailing from planet Serva there the galactic Legecias spend their days. Seraphiam's family wasn't very big it was her, her Father and Mother and her little brother Cloud. her Father was Duke Amagedon and her Mother was Duchess Isabella. Together they watched over a town called Gorva. Seraphiam lived in a mansion that was perched atop a hill so that her family would be able to see all that was going on in their town. Though her family was rich and everyone loved the Duke for his many wise decision nobody really like Seraphiam "she's so different" they would complain why you ask, well all the Legecias had beautiful shimmering royal blue coats embellished with their baby blue gemstones. Seraphiam on the other hand had a green coat and light green gems even parts of her mane were green, no other legecia had ever looked like her she was just different and she was shunned for being so. Seraphiam knew that she would never be allowed to be a Duchess like her mother because of her coat so on her 15th birthday she decided to leave everything behind and let her brother be the next heir. Every Galactic Legecia knew how to fly its just there nature so she packed up her favorite star plushies and pet bird and left. she broke free of the planets atmosphere and headed to a distant planet known as subeta.......... now heres where the current story begins the same day Seraphiam left was the day a young girl know as Rachel but her friends call her Ponypal had joined the community of subeta, she was enjoying a stroll to the adoption center when she saw a flash of light as Seraphiam entered the atmosphere the light got brighter as it came closer the Rachel realized it was heading right for her so she jumped out of the way nearly avoiding what was falling from the sky when she looked up she saw Seraphiam standing there Rachel stood there in awe wondering what had just happened Seraphiam looked at her and smiled and said hello Rachel in turn replied "hello, how did you get here you look like the Legecias from the adoption center?? are you someones pet??" Seraphiam cocked her head to one side "what are you talking about im not someone's pet and their are other Legecias here too?? maybe i will make this planet my new home" now Rachel looking very confused sat down on a bench nearby and Seraphiam followed wanting to ask more questions about the strange planet she had landed on. "so let me get this straight your not someones pet and you've some from space??" Rachel asked. Seraphiam sat down beside Rachel and explained her long story to the girl and when it was over Rachel asked "well if you are looking for a new home id be happy to be your friend and to provide you a space to live" Seraphiam was confused "you like me really you don't mind my coat being green instead of blue??" "i love your coat it makes you look different and special and anyway green is my favorite colour!!" Rachel responded so they both agreed to be partners and to make many friends on this new planet.
The End

Pet Treasure

Purple Star Plushie

Mystic Star Plushie

Blue Star Plushie

Orange Star Plushie

Pet Friends

Barracudas...... pet???