
Kyrrdis has a minion!

Minion the Constellation

Legacy Name: Kyrrdis

The Galactic Celinox
Owner: Shinku.Suiren

Age: 13 years, 10 months, 1 week

Born: August 9th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 9 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: September 14th, 2010


  • Level: 13
  • Strength: 34
  • Defense: 31
  • Speed: 28
  • Health: 28
  • HP: 28/28
  • Intelligence: 2
  • Books Read: 2
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed


This story is Subject to Change as he develops

Name: Kyrrdis Miller
Alias: not many know but he is also known as the Killer Night n’ Gale
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Date of Birth: March 22

Orientation: Bisexual
Status: Taken
Nationality: Speaks a heavy accent of German

Lover: Aidenell and Ishlam
Children: None

Occupation: Unemployed but searching
Location: Kyrrdis was once found at the Pound serving his sentence, now he is out and about free to do as he pleases. After Pyrus helped him find a apartment he started going to the library where Pyrus moved to with his Lover Destiny. That is where he met Aidenell, now he spends a lot of his time with Aiden and Ishlam, but he stays at his apartment with his roommates Belle and Narae.


Hair: Short, his hair barely reaches his shoulders, it is a silky dark blue with a hint of gold streaks
Eyes: Kyrrdis has a gentle golden eye color, meanwhile his eyelashes are white.
Height: 5’6’’
Build: has a toned body not muscular , he has a slim body with medium shoulders and a little bit of a broad waist.
Complexion:has a slight pale complexion

Common Attire: the majority of the time Kyrrdis only wears a simple button up work shirt and black pants, he wears simple slip on shoes
Piercings: none as of yet
Tattoos he has none, but he has natural gold glowing markings of his galactic heritiage
Other: he has a cuts on his body from all the fights he has gotten into

Person: he loves to spend time with his friends and loved ones, it is hard for him to decide who is his favorite. When he is alone with Aiden or Ishlam he sings, which is rare for anyone to hear
Hobbies: he walks around town as a free man, taking in all the wonderful sncerey he has missed so much.
Color blues purples and reds
Food: salmon

Kyrrdis is a quiet man, though he was in the pound for a good chunck of his life he has learned to accept it and move on. He is never violent, but he has a bit of a temper. He is known to act on a whim and do stupid things occasionally that could get him killed, but he keeps those things to himself


- Kyrrdis use to have a job as a singer at a bar for a living before he was sent to the pound
- after he got out he was targeted by gangs and people who wanted him dead.
- he may be hard to get along with but Kyrrdis can be a man who listens to others well
- sometimes he feels odd or out of place in the world
- after finding out his love was not dead, he wanted to see her again but was afraid of the outcome of it. He knows that she is married to another and has kids now. Kyrrdis is not upset, in fact he is happy for her
-Kyrrdis is curious as to what the world of a vampire is like, but he not ready to become one. Aiden made Kyrrdis promise that when Kyrrdis might be severely injured or dying, Aiden would change him to save his life


To be developed


Jinxy: Information coming soon


Subeta HQ HA Generator
These HA were editing by myself
Normal Attire

by Myself ||by Myself ||by Myself

Layout Order was borrowed from Sinclair

Pet Treasure

Deadaim Ring

Dowsing Pendulum

Black Vesnali Rose

Pet Friends

Pyrus Nixan
.... you are a ball of sunshine. finding everything so interesting... if someone ever hurts your feelings, I will personally beat the living daylights out of them for you. kay?