
RequiIem has a minion!

Fallen the Naphal

Legacy Name: RequiIem

The Bloodred Legeica
Owner: Sugar

Age: 14 years, 2 months, 4 weeks

Born: September 3rd, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 10 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: January 15th, 2011

Pet Spotlight Winner
March 9th, 2012


  • Level: 50
  • Strength: 156
  • Defense: 127
  • Speed: 125
  • Health: 124
  • HP: 124/124
  • Intelligence: 148
  • Books Read: 148
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Corporate Associate

req·ui·em (rkw-m, rkw-)
1. Requiem Roman Catholic Church
a. A mass for a deceased person.
b. A musical composition for such a mass.
2. A hymn, composition, or service for the dead.
RequilIem was the name she took. It seemed fitting since she had attended her own funeral. If only she was really dead. Instead she was cursed to roam the world in the dark of night and feast on the blood of the living as a vampyr. It was ironic really, she was so obsessed with these creatures with no souls that she ended up too close to a real one and is now one of them. At her funeral as they played her requiem, her last song, she noticed that the wards of the priest and the cross that hung from his wrinkled neck held no power over her and her cursed body. Needing a place to stay for the light hours, she found an old abandoned church where she spent her days sleeping as the dead in the cellar. However as night fell she was more alive than she ever had been. The darkness embraced her, the moon called to her and the blood of man quenched her burning thirst.

Pet Treasure

Bubbling Bubble Bubbles

Haunted Dagger

Gothic Lolita Rose

Black Fingerless Gloves

Deaths Kiss

Vampire Hunter Jewelry

Shallow Grave

Vampire Makeup Kit

Flashback Material Girl Prayer Beads

Spider Hair Pin

Gothic Collar


Cross Tombstone


Professional Tombstone

Spooky Tombstone

Cheap Tombstone

Stone Casket

Half of a Tombstone

Gargoyle Fragments

Gothic Notebook

Fallen Fallacy Faith Cross

Underling Fangs

Stray Spider Web

Vampire Fangs

Spider Web

Silver Bullet


Large Dirty Spiders Web

Crypt Dust

Mori Bandage

Cinnamon Incense

Sands of Time

Brass Petal


Cogwork Key

The End of Time

Coffin Keychain

Bed of Forever Sleep

Wooden Stake

Mystical Grungy Roach

Sacred Ground

Vampires Accessory Trunk

Vampire Coffin

Goth Arm Warmers

Bleeding Rose of Deepest Blackness

Bloodred Nail Polish

Vampire Cloak

Vampire Curse

Vampire Wax Lips

Wax Lips

Blood Bag Candy

Blood Soup

Vampire Blood

Fake Bloodred Potion


Hot Pink Coffin Candy

Rose Incense


Lavender Incense

Light Blue Coffin Candy

Cedar Incense

Pet Friends