
Akkilokipok has a minion!

Chell the A Turtledove

Legacy Name: Akkilokipok

The Chibi Ontra
Owner: DisposableThunder

Age: 13 years, 9 months, 5 days

Born: September 20th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 4 months ago

Adopted: February 25th, 2011


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

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Pet Info


It wasn't often that he wandered off on his own, particularly onto the land. Akki would normally be found alongside his surrogate parental figure and Okeanos's Alpha, Nereus. But he was determined to prove to not only Nereus, but the others in "tribe" that he wasn't simply a useless child.

He scowled as he padded alongside the shore, his sharp eyes keeping a look out for any movement. Although he was still on Okeanos territory, it didn't mean that predators wouldn't go looking for him. He gave a shudder at the thought, his large ears pressing back against his head. The otter gave a low chitter, imagining the seals and orcas from home.

Squaring his shoulders, he slipped effortlessly back into the water, swimming into the lagoon to search for the plants. He swam deeper underwater, examining the plants closely to make certain that he would harvest the right ones. He didn't want to mess up on something so simple.

It took him longer than his one breath to find them, so he surfaced, taking in a deep gasp of air and dove back down. Unlike the others, he couldn't breathe underwater, which often separated him from the others. Not that it bothered him. Too much, anyway.

He shrugged underwater in thought, plucking the plants from the bottom of the lagoon and lashing his powerful tail, sending him back up to the surface.

The trip back home was easy and it was with a wide grin that he pressed the plants into Nereus's hands, cooing at the soft words of pride that the elder gave him.

The Basics


Name: Akkilokipok
Alias: Akki
Gender: Male
Age: 12
DOB: Unknown

Orientation: Unknown
Status: Taken
Nationality: Inuit; otter-taur

Lover: Chellone
Children: None

Occupation: None
Location: Usually around the beach area


Hair: Short and somewhat choppy, orangey brown in color
Eyes: Golden orange
Height: 5'3"
Build: Thin, wiry
Complexion: Naturally dark

Attire: Dislikes clothes; wears a small leather "poncho" with fur trim around the neck, fur around his upper arms and ankles, leather cuffs on his wrists. Also wears leather shorts when in his human form.
Piercings: Black plugs in his ears, silver stud below his lip
Tattoos: Black stripe/dot pattern on his tail
Other: Otter ears and tail when in his human form; otter lower body when in his taur form; "dot" eyebrows


Person: Chellone
Hobbies: Playing marbles, napping on Chell's back
Color: Pink
Food: Oysters


He's a sweet and playful boy, naive about his surroundings, particularly humans. He loves nothing more than snuggling those who he trusts, and playing pranks on potential friends. Often suntans on the shore, as he doesn't understand fully that there are land-dwelling predators in plenty. He holds no grudges towards anyone or anything so far in his young life. He also rarely speaks, outside of whistles/chirps/coos/murrs/etc. He only really talks to his mate and is very openly affectionate with him; Akki doesn't understand that people could be uncomfortable with this, particularly because of the years between them.


- Strong swimmer
- Very agile and flexible
- Able to transform between all three of his forms (full otter, otter-centaur, and mostly human)
- Able to hold his breath for a long amount of time
- Dislikes talking verbally too much
- Always carries a large amount of pearls
- Plays marbles with pearls and gives them to those he likes


Akkilokipok was born in the far north, where, in the ways of the tribe, he was raised and cared for by everyone. And as was the tradition for young men, when he was of age, he was given his tattoos and piercings to mark him as a man and sent off to find a life for himself. He wandered for months, going ever more southwards, where he found Siyyon. Due to his youth, he was taken into the Alpha of the water-dwellers, Nereus. It was under his guidance that he worked his way towards earning all his forms, becoming the youngest of the Okeanos tribe to achieve the rank of Beta.

He met another of the tribe, Chellone, and he attached to him immediately. Without knowing it, the boy fell in love with the elder, and it took him awhile to tell him, although he recently did and the turtle agreed to be his mate.




HA Designs: N/A
Fanart: By Me ;; By Me ;; By Lament ;; By HarlequinLoki on dA ;; By Mrs-Valentine on dA ;; By 0317 on dA ;; By 0317 on dA ;; By 0317 on dA ;; By Neverfilledvoid on dA ;; By llArisull on dA ;; By Xirro ;; By Slytherin

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.... :heart: