
Message has a minion!

Minion the Folikit

Legacy Name: Message

The Steamwork Kumos
Owner: Daley

Age: 13 years, 7 months, 1 week

Born: October 5th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 7 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: October 8th, 2010


  • Level: 24
  • Strength: 106
  • Defense: 65
  • Speed: 57
  • Health: 106
  • HP: 106/106
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Mysterious | Thoughtful | Intense

Message is a machine, and a broken one at that. His entire existence consists of trying to puzzle together all the pieces people leave behind. He is a collection of memories and notes and hopes and fears, all recorded on the intricate mechanisms that lie within him. He has a soul of his own, a mind of his own, yet he doesn't seem to use it, instead devoting hours to making sense of the senseless. He is a gift from time, a forgotten relic of a once brilliant concept born in the mind of a genius. What's more, he holds the key.
Message has the answer. To everything.
It just depends if he can make sense of it.

Art by Vogelspinne
Profile by Mandark

NOTE1Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sed ligula elit. Donec laoreet dui et orci venenatis aliquam. Aliquam nisl libero, porta sit amet tempor sit amet, pharetra at velit. Fusce condimentum arcu in sem imperdiet in mattis sapien vestibulum. Mauris enim quam, porttitor vel malesuada et, scelerisque in odio. Quisque auctor vulputate gravida. Aenean vitae vehicula magna. Donec vel sapien nulla, sit amet euismod lectus. In luctus tempus accumsan. Aenean feugiat erat est.

Sed feugiat eleifend felis sed faucibus. Vivamus fringilla leo eget purus aliquam eu semper nunc egestas. Nam imperdiet condimentum turpis eu egestas. Suspendisse tellus risus, convallis et pretium ut, egestas nec libero. Etiam porttitor neque a leo rhoncus ultricies. Integer non nisi nibh, et eleifend ligula. Etiam dignissim ante id magna hendrerit ornare. Nulla id eros vel odio gravida vulputate sit amet at arcu.

Phasellus tortor metus, congue quis iaculis eu, dictum in risus. Ut neque mauris, pulvinar quis pretium ac, tristique vel turpis. Morbi bibendum condimentum diam et porta. Sed volutpat laoreet cursus. Cras interdum magna in nisi ullamcorper lobortis. Sed felis magna, facilisis eu euismod vitae, pulvinar eleifend mauris. Nam ullamcorper sem at sapien pulvinar porttitor. Ut urna ante, posuere vel porttitor semper, rutrum ornare odio.

Donec molestie egestas dolor vitae convallis. Vivamus ut libero eu lorem dictum tristique at ac arcu. Praesent lobortis justo vel ante suscipit at volutpat ligula dapibus. Aenean mollis tellus eget ligula hendrerit vitae congue metus facilisis. Aliquam diam arcu, fermentum ut blandit sit amet, tincidunt a augue. Etiam sed tellus vitae dolor venenatis auctor gravida id dolor. Fusce laoreet porttitor mi quis tincidunt. Integer auctor, urna eget pretium aliquet, nunc augue ultricies turpis, et dignissim leo neque id est. Pellentesque et fringilla neque. Phasellus sodales, metus et fringilla posuere, dolor ante rutrum massa, in vehicula velit velit quis ligula. Donec scelerisque molestie lobortis. Duis luctus fringilla faucibus. Phasellus faucibus dui et nisl tincidunt sodales dictum sem scelerisque. Phasellus pharetra, nisl ac facilisis pharetra, tortor lacus aliquam velit, ut pellentesque urna nisi et nisl.

Suspendisse sollicitudin felis et quam ultrices ornare. Pellentesque lectus lacus, fermentum et ullamcorper quis, faucibus lacinia purus. Aliquam enim lectus, aliquet eu molestie at, imperdiet quis diam. Mauris iaculis porta ipsum ut aliquet. Donec posuere dolor nec urna porta consectetur. Suspendisse bibendum eleifend sollicitudin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dolor leo, imperdiet vel facilisis in, porta quis est. Quisque accumsan urna ante, in pulvinar leo. Morbi eleifend pharetra purus sed feugiat. Cras tempor sollicitudin elit, at facilisis nisi elementum vel. Integer adipiscing tellus non ante venenatis egestas interdum risus auctor.

NOTE88Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sed ligula elit. Donec laoreet dui et orci venenatis aliquam. Aliquam nisl libero, porta sit amet tempor sit amet, pharetra at velit. Fusce condimentum arcu in sem imperdiet in mattis sapien vestibulum. Mauris enim quam, porttitor vel malesuada et, scelerisque in odio. Quisque auctor vulputate gravida. Aenean vitae vehicula magna. Donec vel sapien nulla, sit amet euismod lectus. In luctus tempus accumsan. Aenean feugiat erat est.

Sed feugiat eleifend felis sed faucibus. Vivamus fringilla leo eget purus aliquam eu semper nunc egestas. Nam imperdiet condimentum turpis eu egestas. Suspendisse tellus risus, convallis et pretium ut, egestas nec libero. Etiam porttitor neque a leo rhoncus ultricies. Integer non nisi nibh, et eleifend ligula. Etiam dignissim ante id magna hendrerit ornare. Nulla id eros vel odio gravida vulputate sit amet at arcu.

Phasellus tortor metus, congue quis iaculis eu, dictum in risus. Ut neque mauris, pulvinar quis pretium ac, tristique vel turpis. Morbi bibendum condimentum diam et porta. Sed volutpat laoreet cursus. Cras interdum magna in nisi ullamcorper lobortis. Sed felis magna, facilisis eu euismod vitae, pulvinar eleifend mauris. Nam ullamcorper sem at sapien pulvinar porttitor. Ut urna ante, posuere vel porttitor semper, rutrum ornare odio.

Donec molestie egestas dolor vitae convallis. Vivamus ut libero eu lorem dictum tristique at ac arcu. Praesent lobortis justo vel ante suscipit at volutpat ligula dapibus. Aenean mollis tellus eget ligula hendrerit vitae congue metus facilisis. Aliquam diam arcu, fermentum ut blandit sit amet, tincidunt a augue. Etiam sed tellus vitae dolor venenatis auctor gravida id dolor. Fusce laoreet porttitor mi quis tincidunt. Integer auctor, urna eget pretium aliquet, nunc augue ultricies turpis, et dignissim leo neque id est. Pellentesque et fringilla neque. Phasellus sodales, metus et fringilla posuere, dolor ante rutrum massa, in vehicula velit velit quis ligula. Donec scelerisque molestie lobortis. Duis luctus fringilla faucibus. Phasellus faucibus dui et nisl tincidunt sodales dictum sem scelerisque. Phasellus pharetra, nisl ac facilisis pharetra, tortor lacus aliquam velit, ut pellentesque urna nisi et nisl.

Suspendisse sollicitudin felis et quam ultrices ornare. Pellentesque lectus lacus, fermentum et ullamcorper quis, faucibus lacinia purus. Aliquam enim lectus, aliquet eu molestie at, imperdiet quis diam. Mauris iaculis porta ipsum ut aliquet. Donec posuere dolor nec urna porta consectetur. Suspendisse bibendum eleifend sollicitudin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dolor leo, imperdiet vel facilisis in, porta quis est. Quisque accumsan urna ante, in pulvinar leo. Morbi eleifend pharetra purus sed feugiat. Cras tempor sollicitudin elit, at facilisis nisi elementum vel. Integer adipiscing tellus non ante venenatis egestas interdum risus auctor.

People are strange. They're scary. They're unpredictable. Quite often they're dangerous. People make me think of music. You might think you know where a song is headed but then without warning it can veer off into a powerful crescendo that leaves you shaking and wondering how on earth you were suddenly taken somewhere completely different. People are amazing. They can do just about anything. Sometimes they're good, sometimes they're bad. Personally I've worked hard all my life to see the good, but at the end of the day you can't just ignore the fact that not everyone has the good intentions you wish they did.
In my experience people rarely set out with the goal of hurting me. To be fair though, I think that has a lot to do with the fact that I make it very clear I am not easily hurt. You won't get under my skin. Don't waste your time. Maybe that's why I find people strange? In my line of work, in my life, I spend most of my time looking from the outside in. "Information scout" they called me when I was younger. That was before my job description expanded, but for the sake of simplicity if anyone asks I just revert back to that. They don't need to know the intricacies of my job. Sometimes I wonder if *I* know them either. My point, however, is that regardless of what you call me the reality is that I spend a lot of time watching. Observing. Learning.
I've met brilliant people. I've met stupid people. I've met creatures that aren't really people at all but that would fool you so easily that you'd never think to give them a second glance. Ultimately though, they all have something in common. Something very important. Something that is the entire reason my job even exists. It's their unpredictability.
If people did what we thought they were supposed to do, I could go back to my hometown and forget any of this existed. If people just listened to what the rest of the world was telling them, then we wouldn't have the problems we have. That's my job - in a nutshell anyway.
I fix those problems.

A long time ago, I had faith that you were coming home. Maybe ‘home’ is the wrong choice of words. I guess you never really thought of here as ‘home’, but it was home to me, so I suppose I just figured it felt that way to everyone. Even after you made it clear it wasn’t, part of me still expected you to walk through that door with your usual lopsided grin, holding a book. I don’t know why I’d expect it to be a book. Maybe just because of the way you talk, like you expect every word you say to be some great pearl of wisdom delivered only after weeks and months of deliberation. Time and thought like that which went into the imaginary book in your hands.
Frankly, I know now that it’s your loss. So you can keep your imaginary books, but more than that, you can keep your “pearls” of wisdom. Because frankly, I think you’re mostly just full of shit.


I'm waking from a dream. Consciousness is tearing at the corners of my eyes, violently criss-crossed and red and burning. A voice is screaming in my head.
"Wake up."
It must be me I think. A strange jumbled accent that everyone is forever telling me I speak with as they guess where I'm from; America? England? Canada? I purse my lips and crush my eyelids tighter together. No, not yet. I don't want to wake up yet. I'm beginning to feel the world around me, all of it rapidly coming into focus in my waking mind. I don't want it. I struggle, fighting back the softness of my mattress pressing into the small of my back, fighting against the vague brightness of the morning light burning through my closed eyes. Please no. Not yet.

Flicker these memories in and out
Keep your hands clean and mind clear of doubt
Remember the cuts that the wind left behind
Remember the truths that you told me were mine
Moments that passed now left to the fall
Moments and promises that costed my all

Avalon of whispered words
Biographies of lives in thirds
Culinary twists of spice
Dinner menus not so nice
Endeavours come in leaps and bounds
Finer ways to hear the sounds
Gifts of intricate intent
Horrors and your life for rent
Idiosyncrasies to leave you merry
Jars of candy, wine and sherry
Kings and men and no division
Laughter and not of derision
Men in hills of Beverley
Names that lie so cleverly
Only once an allowed exception
Parents and their false perception
Quixotic in your personality
Redemption comes with immorality
Signature lies are much the same
Trademark in their brutal game
Undermining all that’s taught
Viagra of a different thought
Wiles not like any other
Xerox my rambunctious mother
Younger than the words we pray
Zion of my yesterday

An alphabet to make some sense
Of words with no perceived pretence
Hollow ways to correspond
A life in which we do not bond

Take from me my way to speak
Take from me – for I am weak.

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