
Chives_923 has a minion!

Minion the Dipper

Legacy Name: Chives_923

The Field Feli
Owner: Mudkip

Age: 13 years, 7 months, 1 week

Born: October 17th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 7 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: October 17th, 2010


  • Level: 5
  • Strength: 11
  • Defense: 13
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 11
  • HP: 10/11
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

#pet_image {background-image: url('');}A small cat walks into the room on his hind legs and sits down on the couch across from you. He looks at you and smiles before reaching out one paw to shake your hand. "Hello...My name is Chives. I may look like a normal cat-" He says as he waits for you to shake his paw.
"Normal?!? You're green!" Flame laughed.
Chives sighs and turns around for a moment. "Shut up...Please." He growls to the voice you just heard before turning back to you. "Where was I? Oh yes! But I'm really an invader from another planet!" He says happily.
"No you're not. You're an intern, working for the boss." Flame added and walked into the room.
"Oh, shut up, Flame! I'm trying to tell my story!" Chives shouted back at her.
"Well can you tell it when I'm not trying to take a nap?"
No, I need to tell it now!
Flame gave him a, "Are you kidding me?" look and crossed her arms. "It can't wait an hour? Or can you take it in another room?" She asked.
"Fine. I'll leave." Chives sighed and left the room.
"Thanks." Flame smiled and went back to her room.
You stand up and run after Chives. You've been wanting to hear this story for awhile, and you aren't going to waste your chance. Chives shows you to the kitchen and sits down in a chair. "Ahem...Now. As I was saying, I am an invader [sub]in-training[/sub] from another planet! And you don't wanna make me mad! Because if you do, you'll have to deal with my high-tech alien weapons such as mega-cannons, death-rays, super slingshots that shoot smoke bombs, things of that nature! However I'm not here to talk about the high-tech weapons, cars, cities, and rockets my planet has created. I'm here to tell you about the worst days of my life. The days of my life where I almost died!"

"Flame!!! Flame where are you!?" I shouted as I dodged attacks from our attacking rivals. Gunshot rang in my ears, and swords clanged together everywhere I looked. And only one question was in my mind at the time...With the advanced weapons we had, why were we sword fighting? No matter! I had to find Flame! The warriors from my planet were strong, but our rivals were stronger. But their leader was no where to be seen, and neither was ours!! The worst part was, I was in love with our leader, and her dying would probably be the death of me. So it was only natural I wanted to find her and protect her. Then I saw her, our rival's leader, Kurai, A.K.A. Night, was ordering some of her warriors to shoot our leader, Flame's, dragon out of the sky! As they fell, I ran as fast as I could, Flame's screaming all I could hear. When her dragon hit the ground, she tumbled away from him. Even when I was a few hundred feet from Flame and Night, I could see that Flame was really hurt, and she couldn't fight anymore. "Aww...Is the poor little invader hurt?" Night asked and smirked evilly. Flame just snarled, unable to do anything else. "Prepare to die!" Night snarled, and raised her sword above her head. "FLAME NO!!!" I screamed and threw myself between the two, getting hit instead. "CHIVES!!" Flame screamed, then she got up and just snarled, getting ready to attack. A warrior ran up to night and said, "Night! We must retreat! We are losing!" "NEVER!" Night shouted. "I will never retreat!" Then, Flame snarled, "DIE!" before tackling Night and clawing her. "Don't just stand there! HELP ME!" Night snarled to her warrior. The three fought until the warrior retreated, and it was only Night and Flame left. "It's over Kurai!!" Flame snarled. And before Night could act, Flame grabbed Night's sword and plunged it into her heart, and Kurai died. It was quiet for only a few seconds when everyone realized what had happened, then the warriors of my planet cheered. "We won! Chives we-...CHIVES!" Flame gasped, then everything went black.

For a few days, I slept and I remember nothing from when I was sleeping. But when I woke up, I was in a hospital, and all my friends, including Flame and my boss were there. "Chives you're okay! Chives! Welcome back buddy! That was so brave!" My friends all said while my boss said something in japanese. "Alright everyone. You all need to leave so the patient can rest." A nurse said. "Wait!" Flame and I said in unison. "C-Can...Can I stay?" Flame asked and blushed. The nurse paused, then nodded, before leaving with everyone else. "You saved me...Th-Thank you...So much..." Flame said. "Aww it was nothing..." I said. "Are you kidding?! If you hadn't done that I would be dead right now!" She said and hugged me. "I'm sure your boyfriend would've saved you..." I growled, remembering Flame's boyfriend, the only thing between me and becoming Flame's boyfriend...Well that and the fact she would slap me everytime I brought up us dating or the fact I loved her. "No we wouldn't...We...We broke up..." She sighed. "What?!" I asked. That was fast. "Yep..." She sighed. There was a bit of an awkward pause, then Flame stopped hugging me and moved back a little. The pause got even more awkward then. Before I could say anything though, Flame had kissed me. SHE KISSED ME!!! Once she pulled back, we just kinda stared at each other. "So...I guess that makes us...." She said. "Boyfriend and girlfriend..." I finished. "Yep...So um..." She said and started walking towards the door. "Dinner? You know once I get out of here..." I said. She smiled and nodded, then walked out. "I love you..." I blurted and tensed up, waiting for a slap. Flame chuckled, then she left the room. Then, after a few minutes I started cheering, "YES!!! I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!! YE- Ow my chest hurts..."

You stare at him in awe. He starts laughing for a second before saying, "And that is my story about how I almost died, and got the most beautiful girl in the world to admit she was in love with me!"

[sub]Overlay by User not found: brittany_h[/sub]

Pet Treasure

Filing Books

Used Short Sword

Kiss Me? Candy Heart

Pet Friends