
Salmoneus has a minion!

Minion the Torump

Legacy Name: Salmoneus

The Galactic Archan

Age: 13 years, 7 months, 2 weeks

Born: October 31st, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 7 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: October 31st, 2010


  • Level: 2
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 12
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 13
  • HP: 13/13
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Cleaning Crew

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The Immortal Madman
">Named after a man from a minor Greek myth who was struck down by Zeus after pretending he was the god. Years later, people said he must have been mad.
Overview of Character (expect to be modified)
Once, he was a great seer, well-known through the forest for his accurate predictions. As he grew older, the magic began to take it's toll on his health. His sight became worse as he stared into the scrying pool; his limbs began to ache.
If there was one thing he feared, it was death. So, he began to delve into books before his eyesight failed him completely, and found dark magic that would sustain his life. At a cost, of course. Everything had a cost -- but it wasn't as heavy as his soul or something ridiculous like that. All he needed to give up was his sanity.
And so he did. The Doe was alerted by some concerned members of the forest, and he was found guilty of using dark magics, yet she did not punish him in any way; there was no threat of being locked in a lower level of Gerda's tower (that was bad enough; none wanted to be near Tuuwa and her man-made body), nor whispers of being sent to Dena'Fae. Instead, she let him live.
She let him live, with a decrepit body. He could walk only at an unbearably slow pace, as his joints hurt to move. His eyesight was nearly gone now, it was mostly shapes and light he could make out. His coat, once a shining color, had gone gray and haggard. Though he would live forever, Salmoneus was destined to do so with a broken mind and body.

He seems to have an obsession over socks. Whenever Salmoneus can get away, he goes in search ofh these human items, hiding them away in his home. Every once in a while, some other item he finds interesting along the way get into his collection -- brushes, toothbrushes, perfume. Serephelia had once brought up the fact that he has these items to The Doe. She told the Montre to let the old man be with his oddities. The Doe also told her to make sure Therron knew that if the Archan's minion showed up in the river to bring it to safety -- Salmoneus was still a little crafty, and would lure the poor thing into the river for a swim, and then simply leave it to play with the fish and let him slip away unnoticed, and go find more ... things.

Pet Treasure

Dark Starry Toe Socks

Dirty Socks

Wooden Scrying Bowl

Minty Red Socks

Lederhosen Knee Socks

Pet Friends