
Najwa has a minion!

Hani the Anpan

Legacy Name: Najwa

The Chibi Wyllop
Owner: MooKan

Age: 13 years, 7 months, 1 week

Born: November 20th, 2010

Adopted: 12 years, 11 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: July 14th, 2011


  • Level: 15
  • Strength: 23
  • Defense: 16
  • Speed: 15
  • Health: 16
  • HP: 0/16
  • Intelligence: 15
  • Books Read: 15
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Register Clerk

Najwa is a curious and cute wyllop who loves to express her sense of humor through her many little jokes. A cheerful friend and also very loyal, Naj's naivety to the evils of the world are reminders that if we had the innocence of children then most of our problems would be solved.

-Want to make Najwa your friend?
If any of the following is annoying or irritable in any way, you probably don't want her around....

A constantly positive outlook on any situation

A friend who sees the "brighter" side of things

Someone who "doesn't get it" when explaining harmful desires or thoughts

Najwa: meaning- Secret, Whisper
Hideki: meaning- Excellence, Esteem


The Clan
Najwa grew up as an only child to parents who were part of a nomadic clan that claimed to be keepers of the light crystals. These crystals were worn around each member's neck and they glowed as long as the clan was close together. The clan was made up of purely flametails that transformed from childhood to flametail once they came of age.

At birth, every child flametail received a conscience, which was an extension of their soul and often called a spirit. It usually grew at the same rate as the child aged. The clan tried to control each child's spirit by having the leaders set the boundaries as to how big and small one's spirit can be. If one's spirit was too small, then that member got counseled, and if it was too big, the member went through extraction.

The Transformation
When Najwa's time had come to transform, her body didn't fully develop; which left her in a state of being somewhere in the middle. Seeing this as a curse by the light crystals, which stand for purity and justice, this was dealt with severely. The only way to cleanse the clan was to exile Najwa. So it was decided that the first full moon that winter, they would set off to their next destination without her.

The night came and Najwa was left behind with the light crystal still around her neck, the glow fading as the clan wandered further off into the distance. Her mother looked back with tears in her eyes and her father only glared with disgrace. She had done nothing, and asked for nothing, just a child abandoned and confused with only the crystal to remind her of the life she started with.

She made camp by the stream, since she no longer had clan members bringing daily water, and lived in the same place they left her, knowing no one would return. She stayed in that same place; she didn't know where else to go, and this spot held memories that made it the only familiar entity she had to cling to.

A few years passed and on a sunny day in Spring, she heard the sound of feet stomping ground with purpose and persistence. It took only seconds to see that it was a large group of flametails coming towards her. She could pick out the leader, since he was right in front and had the biggest spirit she'd ever seen perched on his shoulder.

New Beginning
She meekly welcomed them, asked if they both could share the area, and stated that she wouldn't bother anyone. The leader was quite taken back, and said he wouldn't have it any other way. Without asking any questions of her past, the leader's family then invited her to live in their encampment.

She was treated as one of their own from the start. Where she was the only child to her parents, she was now one of six in her adoptive family. The clan quickly set up their tents for learning and commune where they ate together and discussed their day. This clan even had their own mobile library, which Najwa had never seen before. In the keepers of the light crystals clan, only the leader could read to the members; so she didn't know how to read or write. During the first months with this new clan, she grew in knowledge and skills. She read all sorts of books, from different cultures and even in other languages. She soon realized that her spirit had grown significantly as well and she decided to name it. She chose the name Hideki. Before this, she had called him spirit.

Pet Treasure




Zodiac Rat Spirit


Pet Friends

"Your sappy possitive outlook on life gets really annoying sometimes... but it also makes me realize I need you."

Stay possitive and never let them knock you down. I see a bright future for you, Naj.