
Legacy Name: Tattoos

The Angelic Montre
Owner: Aquarius

Age: 13 years, 5 months, 1 week

Born: November 27th, 2010

Adopted: 12 years, 8 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: August 24th, 2011


  • Level: 97
  • Strength: 241
  • Defense: 237
  • Speed: 237
  • Health: 237
  • HP: 232/237
  • Intelligence: 323
  • Books Read: 324
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Ardent Art Archivist

Our tattoos are the stories we tell without ever saying a word
Genesis: a tattoo artist by trade, a father of two rowdy teenage boys and the husband to a talented and wonderful musician for whom Genesis has been to hell and back with.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam lacinia ante ut dui tempor mattis. Duis tincidunt mi nec blandit pellentesque. Pellentesque id metus vitae metus pulvinar rhoncus. Nullam id nisl quis massa pharetra mollis. Aliquam at turpis consequat, vestibulum ipsum non, finibus neque. Sed laoreet, massa sed vulputate semper, magna velit fermentum nisl, et condimentum purus eros in enim. Nunc at accumsan orci, nec lacinia metus. Phasellus eu dolor lacus. Cras aliquam, justo ornare varius laoreet, eros ex sollicitudin nibh, lobortis sodales ex nisi facilisis lectus. Maecenas felis justo, sollicitudin ac semper non, condimentum a nisl. Pellentesque turpis lacus, feugiat in ligula quis, cursus sagittis dui. Mauris vitae ullamcorper turpis, ac bibendum augue.

Sed dui est, rutrum sed laoreet non, hendrerit ut turpis. Mauris quis egestas dui. Nam at tellus tempor, viverra justo non, volutpat tortor. Vestibulum vestibulum lorem ultricies iaculis malesuada. Nullam eget dui facilisis tellus ullamcorper vulputate quis non est. Etiam blandit, enim sit amet auctor sollicitudin, lectus augue sollicitudin elit, sed cursus erat ipsum id tortor. Praesent accumsan elit sit amet risus aliquet auctor. Mauris et leo est. Maecenas sollicitudin odio at scelerisque congue. Aliquam nec arcu sit amet nunc euismod finibus. Aliquam varius fringilla nibh id auctor.

Etiam cursus bibendum magna, eget ultricies nisi varius ac. Nam odio nisl, malesuada semper massa id, hendrerit posuere nisl. Nunc sed elit pharetra, volutpat dolor at, cursus mi. Duis finibus nulla eu velit interdum iaculis a id neque. Vestibulum iaculis magna enim, vel molestie sem eleifend id. Pellentesque volutpat pharetra elit, ac hendrerit justo bibendum at. Nulla at vehicula eros. Aliquam cursus pulvinar convallis. Vivamus at urna nibh. Proin vel dictum dui. Ut ut est in erat condimentum ultrices in dictum lectus. Nullam commodo, nunc ut sagittis elementum, odio nulla varius nulla, vitae luctus massa purus et nisi.

Donec interdum, enim eu ornare fermentum, sapien enim feugiat velit, ut placerat dolor ante id nisi. In eu tristique leo. In auctor, massa et condimentum mattis, elit mi consequat nulla, sed imperdiet est sem eu felis. Vestibulum a consectetur tellus, quis pulvinar nibh. Praesent id quam arcu. Nulla arcu odio, gravida non gravida fermentum, sagittis eget orci. Sed vulputate suscipit nisl, ullamcorper consectetur urna porttitor quis. Donec tempor, magna a vulputate ultrices, sem diam tempor lacus, et suscipit est massa sit amet nisl. Nulla facilisi. Duis commodo, urna et vestibulum efficitur, lectus lorem sollicitudin nunc, in imperdiet elit orci at magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Integer non turpis quis ipsum vestibulum iaculis a a purus. Nulla ullamcorper odio augue, non ornare orci posuere ut. Vestibulum porttitor felis in tortor mattis volutpat. Donec tortor tortor, volutpat et nulla eu, congue scelerisque quam. Nunc a auctor nibh. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam rhoncus tempor augue, sed rutrum arcu iaculis vitae. Phasellus turpis felis, vulputate non feugiat ac, sollicitudin vitae velit. Nam tristique nisi tortor, sit amet gravida orci bibendum non. Donec imperdiet, nisi non viverra tincidunt, elit elit iaculis ipsum, non tempor ex tortor in est. Aenean maximus ligula neque. Sed sit amet euismod purus. Nam rhoncus, justo eget laoreet pellentesque, quam risus consectetur nulla, sit amet fringilla enim velit in mauris.

The road to recovery is winding and jagged, something that Matt knows all too well. As he finishes up the final paperwork on his son's adoption and settles himself into his new life, his focus shifts away from renewed friendship with Xander and onto his and Victor's well-being. For years, the two scrape by on Matt's meager income and Matt's music remains his one true passion that keeps him sane (and somewhat sober) through the everyday trials of life.

Following a late night punk rock concert (and a few too many beers), Matt stumbles into someone and grumbles a half-assed apology...but that's not good enough for the woman. She whips around and lets the obscenties fly before storming off into the crowd while Matt returns home and sleeps off his hangover. Weeks later, he would see the girl again, this time, in a tattoo shop not too far from the center of town. Immature and pety as ever, Matt goes in to give the girl hell but, with some not-so-indirect flirting, ends up walking out with her phone number and the promise of a date instead.

When the two finally sit down to meet, she introduces herself as Genesis, a tattoo artist and former pageant queen who's looking to leave her old life behind. Matt can relate but is curious about what she's hiding: as it turns out, a lot, some that even Matt might not want to know about. Despite this, the two start a relationship built around their fuck-ups but love might not be enough to keep them together. As Genesis struggles with her gender identity and self-worth, Matt is caught up in his battle for sobriety and facing down those age-old feelings about Xander that seem to keep resurfacing.

The third part of Relapse | Recovery follows Matt's happy, or perhaps, not-so-happy, ever after and all the ways in which love is worth fighting for. It build upon the plot's name through scenes of withdrawls, addiction and, of course, relapses. But, as Matt and Genesis soon find out, relapse is not failure. Relapse is part of recovery.
Pet profile by Paula
Story by Aquarius
Page bg from Toptal
Page center bg from Toptal

Pet Treasure

Dusk Pig In A Blanket Beanbag

Cece Hound Tattoo Sheet

Afternoon Pig In A Blanket Beanbag

Morning Pig In A Blanket Beanbag

Night Pig In A Blanket Beanbag

Noon Pig In A Blanket Beanbag

Last Minute Peka-Boo Tattoo

Ink Dipped Needle

Bone Tattooing Needle

Flashback Wild One Skull Tattoo

Flashback Wild One Heart Tattoo

Vampire Tattoos

Jolly Roger Tattoo

Boy Band Tattoo

RoQ Candy Turvey Tattoo

Chipper Tribal Tattoo

Chipper Sun Tattoo

Greaser Tattoo Ink

Mother Tattoo

Shinwa Tattoo

Scientist Tattoo Cards

Rainyday Tropical Tattoo

Pink Rose Tattoo Sheet

Rainyday Verdure Tattoo Sheet

Novelty Fireside Temporary Ink

Hand Henna Kit

Purple Draconic Wings Tattoo

Incubus Tattoos

Succubus Arm Tattoos

Bonfire Waist Tattoos

Bonfire Shoulder Tattoos

Bonfire Face Tattoos

Bonfire Ankle Tattoos

Pale Web Tattoo Sheet (Left Leg)

Pale Web Tattoo Sheet (Right Leg)

Pale Web Tattoo Sheet (Left Arm)

Pale Web Tattoo Sheet (Right Arm)

Autumn Leaf Tattoo Sheet (Right Arm)

Autumn Leaf Tattoo Sheet (Left Leg)

Autumn Leaf Tattoo Sheet (Right Leg)

Autumn Leaf Tattoo Sheet (Left Arm)

Pumpkin Tattoo Sheet (Left Arm)

Pumpkin Tattoo Sheet (Left Leg)

Pumpkin Tattoo Sheet (Right Arm)

Pumpkin Tattoo Sheet (Right Leg)

Dark Web Tattoo Sheet (Right Arm)

Dark Web Tattoo Sheet (Left Arm)

Dark Web Tattoo Sheet (Left Leg)

Dark Web Tattoo Sheet (Right Leg)

Bat Tattoo Sheet (Left Arm)

Bat Tattoo Sheet (Left Leg)

Bat Tattoo Sheet (Right Arm)

Bat Tattoo Sheet (Right Leg)

Spider Tattoo Sheet (Left Arm)

Spider Tattoo Sheet (Right Arm)

Spider Tattoo Sheet (Right Leg)

Spider Tattoo Sheet (Left Leg)

Spiraling Skulls Tattoo Sheet (Left Leg)

Spiraling Skulls Tattoo Sheet (Right Leg)

Spiraling Skulls Tattoo Sheet (Right Arm)

Spiraling Skulls Tattoo Sheet (Left Arm)

Bone Tattoo Sheet (Left Arm)

Bone Tattoo Sheet (Right Arm)

Bone Tattoo Sheet (Left Leg)

Bone Tattoo Sheet (Right Leg)

Pet Friends