
Ming Lai
Legacy Name: Ming Lai

The Darkmatter Jollin
Owner: InariKitsune_693

Age: 13 years, 7 months, 4 days

Born: November 27th, 2010

Adopted: 12 years, 10 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: August 8th, 2011


  • Level: 10
  • Strength: 27
  • Defense: 26
  • Speed: 25
  • Health: 25
  • HP: 25/25
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

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Ming Lai

Ming Lai, Ming for sort, is a born leader. He has no fear in battle, and would fight for his friends and family no matter if it cost his own life. He if extremely intelligent when it comes to battle coordination and planning. He is always first to bare a fang at an enemy and the very last warrior off the battle field. Despite, his love of battle, he is quite the loveable family man. He is a loyal ally on and off the field of battle.He is quite outgoing and very extroverted and loves being out there talking to his pack, understanding their feelings and thoughts, and he bases many of the major worries of the pack off their wants and needs instead of his own.

In the wilderness near the lush country-side of Riverside Valley lived a pack of warrior Jollin. All the Jollin of this pack were skilled fighters and were trained since the day they could stand to defend their pack's territory, which in fact covered from Riverside almost to Peka Glade. Many would find this odd seeing that Jollin were a meek compared to many of the creatures that would naturally inhabit this lush territory. What made the Jollin so powerful? The splendid leadership of course from their pack leader and head warrior, Ming Lai.

Ming Lai came to power over the pack when old leader, Saix, was murdered by the leader of Kumos, which at that time controlled that area at that time. Ming was disgusted and tired of seeing his family and friends run out of cowardice. He wanted his people to rise up and over throw the Kumos that slaughtered and bullied them for so long, but everyone was too much of a coward to even speak of fighting the Kumos. He gave them all a mischevious smirk and ran toward the den of the Kumos by himself! When he got there he was greatly out numbered, but he fought with all his might, slaying one by one his pack's torturers. Eventually, the murderous leader, Kai Ling, stepped forward to put Ming Lai in his place, in his stomach! Kai, with his black fur dripping red from blood gave a great howl as the lightning storm came rolling in ever so slowly. It was a long, fierce fight. Each of them trading bite for bite and claw for claw. Suddenly a bolt of white lightening struck in front of the den cutting off the exit, yet the two continued to fight. Kai Ling threw Ming effortlessly into the flames and laughed full heartedly. As he began to run forward to leap through the hot blaze, Ming leapt from the flames, his coat a blaze and shined red and gold. He quickly caught Kai around the throat and bit in, his hot fangs searing the now limp Kumos leader. After that day, the remaining Kumos swore to get revenge and left the territory to the Jollin pack.

Ming's coat never returned to normal, it now only blazed with a soft fire that only burned his foe's. From that day, he lead his pack to countless flawless victories. Over time, the pack began to strengthen and grow to the point that it is today. You could say Ming Lai became a hero to all Jollin and a legend to all. Though, the long battles grew on his lonely heart. He soon found himself longing for another's company and family of his own. That's when he fell head over paws for a Glade beauty with flowers adorning her soft green fur. Weatherly was her name, a Jollin from the Peka Glade. He tried wooing her with his smooth talking and handsome looks, but she, at first, did not faulter to him. After enough time, she became infatuated with his persistance. They soon mated, and she bared a small, heathy baby boy, Zelk Lai. This is where Ming's true story begins.

Part one:

It was an usual day for the Jollin pack, hunting for food, patrolling borders as Ming watched over them all from his usually vantage point on a hill a bit a ways from the den. He yawned happily, "Saix would be rolling in his grave if he knew how we were today." he smirked. A familar sweet scent filled the air as he turned to see his stunning mate climb up the back of the hill to sit next to him her head over the back of his shoulders and gave a happy 'mer'. "Zelk is in the nursery with the rest of the pups." she said sighing with relief that she had time to herself and Ming. He nodded and lovingly nipped her ear making her yelp with surprise. They wrestled in the soft, green grass, playfully pinning each other and running away. Suddenly, there were sudden out cries of terror coming from the pack den. They both looked up to see three dark creatures fighting and killing the pack. "Zelk!" they both cried as they hurriedly jumped and darted to the horrific scene.

As they reached the den, many corpses filled the area and in the distance were the murders who cause this chaos. Weatherly looked at him with worried eyes, "I'm going for Zelk, don't get yourself killed. If it's too much, just run. I don't want to lose you." She gave him a small lick on the snout and ran into the den. With vengeance in his eyes he gave a loud growl and ran and pounce on one of the creatures, but was easily deflected. Regaining his footing, he realized it was a Endeavor, but not any kind of Endeavor he had ever seen. It's scales were deathly black and malicous purple with small black orbs coming off it. It gave a blood curdling roar as a Cadogre with the same orbs and coloration as the first. Ming looked around and did not find the third that he had saw before. The two black creatures tried to grab up Ming, as he jump just out of their reach. He then jump upon the Cadogre clawing into and biting the back of his neck, but to no use as he was slung to the ground and kicked into a nearby tree. From the den came a scream of a lovely maiden, Ming recognized it as his beautiful Weathery.

With the last bit of his strength he ran deep into the den where he found dark Dillema cornering his mate and pup. Weathery tucked the pup underneather her and cowered in the corner of the den, already beat up she did not want to risk further injury. Zelk peek out from his mother's elegant fur and began to cry. This angered the Dillema and it began to thrash about and swung a strong arm their way. Weathery yelped out of fright and hugged herself around the infant, but nothing happened. She looked up and saw that Ming had tackled it causing it to miss into the sold rock wall of the cave and was biting it causing it to focus on Ming. "Run!" muffled Ming as he held on tight with his fangs searing into it's flesh. Weathery nodded and picked up Zelk in her mouth and ran out of the den and toward the heavily wooded area. Tired of the pesky Jollin leader, the Dillema smashed him into a nearby wall. His breathing became scarce as he started to black out from the impact. In the back of mind he felt that this was it for him, but as long as his family made it out alive, he was happy for at least giving them a second chance. He slowly closed his eyes to accept his fate, his coat's flame flickering out and become cooler and cooler. Before he completely lost all senses he heard the deep laughter of the dark creatures as he felt himself being picked up.

Part two:

Ming was in total darkness, he couldn't even see his moist noise in front of his face. He tried to lift his head, but he was unable to move. He tried moving every muscle in his body, but not one limb, nor toe would move or even wiggle. Paniced, his heart started racing, and his eyes began to dart back and forth looking in to the almost endless dark for even the faintest glimmer of relief. From the darkness he hears a cynical cackle, "Yes, squirm in fear for me more, play toy." The sound of the unknown voice made Ming's heart skip a beat and then it resumed its frantic pace. He heard foot steps circling around his paralyzed body. With every clack of the mysterious creature's claws hitting the cold ground, they became louder and louder as the circle began to tighten around him until all went silent. "Tsk. Not as fun as I would hope..Maybe this will make things a bit more interesting." the voice said as Ming's body felt warm again. Ming wiggled his toes and jumped to his feet teeth bared. "Ahh, much more interesting indeed." the voice came from the far corner. Ming was furious at this point, and he leaped in the direction of the voice. Instead of catching the being by it's throat he rammed right into a solid rock wall. "Careful, I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself before I had the chance to play with you." Ming felt himself be bit on the back of the neck and was then tossed to the opposite side of the room. He caught his fall and snarled, his fire coat now gaining its former glory. His coat gave a tremendous about of light, yet it could not pierce the darkness. "What is going on? Where am I? Where is my family?" Ming growled. "You ask too many questions, but the only thing you need to know is that you are home, and I am your new family." the voice cackled. From the corner of his eye, Ming saw the gleam of a tooth catching the light of his flares. Before, he could react and pounce, The darkness was lifted, and he was blinded by the sudden light.

A Dillema, the one from before, restrained him in his huge muscular arms. For the first time he saw his torturer. He was a Keeto, but his fur was the blackest kind of black. Evil dripped from his very coat, and his eyes could pierce you in the heart and eat it whole. He just stood in the corner, with a smug little grin on his face. The Dillema strapped him to a cold table and reached across a table full of bottles and beakers and picked up a bottle full of purple and black goo. "Now, now, how rude of me! I forgot to introduce myself. I am Kearon, but you can call me master for now own." He giggled a dark laugh and stared into Ming's very being with his dark, cold eyes. "Now, let's have some fun, shall we?" He said taking the vial as the Dillema forced Ming's jaws open. Kearon swirled the mixture as if it was a elegant glass of wine and began to pour it down Ming's throat. He tried not to swallow, but it was no use, the liquid began to pour into his throat and down into his stomach. As the last drop hit his tongue, Ming began to thrash and rock the table as he screamed in pain. His once firey coat began to dull and dark to a deep black, and black orbs began to come off his body and hover around him. He laid silent for a long while, his body could not move, not out of magic like what Kearon did, but out of ache and pain. Kearon gave Ming a pleased grin and said, "Welcome to the dark side."

Part Three:

Ming found himself on a monitoring table hooked up to unknown machines that had blinking lights. His body still ached from the violent reaction he had to that evil elixir he was given, but he was able to move a bit more than before. He slowly began to rip the tubes and needs out of him and shook out his fur. Then he noticed a black orb float in front of his face and back around him. He looked around but did not see a DarkMatter creature, so he just shrugged it off and walked out of the monitoring room. As soon as his paw hit the other sit of the doorway, a shrieking alarm went off. He jumped and then darted down the the maze of a building. He could the hear the many foot steps of Kearon's 'creations' heading his way, so he ran and hid behind a corner. After they had passed he slinked down the hall way where he saw a light, thinking it was light from the outside, he ran to it.

When he got to it, there were the same three DarkMatter creatures that were in his territory, and from the far corner, Kearon began to walk toward the three. He looked back when he saw something that caught his eye. On the wall hung a Harvester scythe glowing with DarkMatter. Ming snatched it up in his jaws and positioned himself to attack. All four of his targets didn't seem to notice his presence, so he charged in and with a swing of the scythe, he hacked off the head of the Cadogre, who began to spew black goo and slump to the ground with a thud. He smirked and charged at the DarkMatter Endeavor, but it dodged and threw him tot he ground causing him to lose his grip on his new weapon. The Endeavor laughed and raised his claw to strike the final blow, but Ming Lai rolled and dodge it and grabbed up his scythe in time to strike the monster at the top of the spine with it. He slowly began to drag the scythe down the spine of the creature, opening him up like a letter. It screamed in pain as the black substance splashed onto Ming's face. As the fiend died, Kearon giggled and gave Ming a crooked smile. "Ah, so this the true you. I knew you would fit right in." He said pointing to a full mirror on the other side of the room. "Fit in?" Ming questioned as he turned to see someone he did not recognize, himself! His fur was black with purple spot and tiny black orbs floated about him. He froze, "There is no way this is me! Magic! This all magic!" he screamed at Kearon. "Ah, tis a bit of magic, but this is the true you, the better you." Kearon spoke as he put a paw around Kearon. DarkMatter guards began to fill the doorway and waited for the order to pull Ming away. Ming pulled himself away from Kearon and growled, "You did this to me you witch doctor!" he growled more and more pinning Kearon to the ground. He simply smirked and pushed Ming off of him. "Turn me back!" Ming cried breaking the mirror that held his altered appearance. "Ah, but that is no simple feat, besides, I want to have a little fun first." He grinned. With a wave of his paw the guards left the door way. "Leave this place and find your family. Down the hallway and to the left is the exit" He point to the doorway. Ming didn't know what he was planning, but he did want to go see his family and make sure they were all right, so he slowly walked toward the doorway keeping an eye on Kearon and his tricks. As soon as he got out of that room he ran full out toward the exit. Finally, he could see his family!

Pet Treasure

Moon Plushie

Harvester Scythe of Doom

Pet Friends