
Colline. has a minion!

Thingamajig the Zoid

Legacy Name: Colline.

The Chibi Terracoon
Owner: Cayran

Age: 13 years, 5 months, 3 weeks

Born: December 6th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: December 6th, 2010

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Name: Colline
Nickname(s): Col, Collie, spaz, goggles
Age: 18
Hobby: Inventing stuff and making things! *big smile*
Love: Hehehehe....uh....what? Where?

Human Reference
Colline with his ball by Gallifrey

“WOA!” comes a yell from the backroom, followed by a loud “clunk” and “ka-bang!” Smoke wafts from the doorway and parts like a curtain as a tiny, wiry haired kid busts through waving a hand in front of his face and coughing. Apart from his obvious awkward appearance, a pair of goggles (far to large for the kid’s face) sits across the bridge of his nose. As he notices you, he shifts them back to the top of his head and smiles bashfully; large blue eyes wide and alert.
“Oh, um…HI!” Colline says, almost shouting the last word. “I plugged that last wire into the wrong socket. Happen’s ya’ know.” Yea…you don’t know. No one ever really knows what goggles is talking about. In that case, most just smile and nod, hoping that the poor kid’s brains weren’t fried in the process. Probably were.
Colline dusts the smoke and dirt from his fur before facing you again. “I’m Colline, or Col, or Colli, or whatever you wanna call me. My friend Zin calls me goggles or spaz sometimes, so yea! I’m happy with about anything.” The little inventor smiles again and shrugs, oblivious to the fact that “spaz and goggles” aren’t really cool, brag about nicknames.
“I’m an inventor…kinda. Well, I like making things. Anything really! I really like shiny things, like um this red ball I made! Okay, maybe I didn’t make THIS, but isn’t it pretty? It’s all glittery and smooth, and…” you clear your throat, interrupting the little rant. “Oh, yea, sorry!” Colline exclaims, cheeks turning slightly pink in embarrassment. “Anyway…I like shiny things.”
Colline licks his lips and moves about the room, grabbing handfuls of what seems to be junk. They are things that one might find in a dumpster, or lying on the side of the road, and things you wouldn’t expect to be just lying around someone’s home or…whatever this place was. He then brings them back to you, dumping the material on the ground at your feet.
“See, just watch, I’ll make ya’ something!” He says in a rather excited tone, plopping down ungracefully beside the pile. Pausing only for a second, the little misfit stares at his treasures, trying to figure out exactly what to create with it all. His hands then move swiftly amongst the pile as if a tiny light bulb went off inside that messy head of his, and the kid begins his work.
For a moment you sit there quietly, just watching. Your unsure as whether or not speaking would disrupt Colline’s process, and clearing your throat you figure there is no hurt in trying to start up a conversation.
”Where are you from?” You ask, tilting your head in curiosity. Colline simply shrugs, and replies with a brief “don’t know.” It is one of those replies that you’re unsure of if he actually doesn’t know, or he just doesn’t want to talk about it. ”Ok…um, your past, what was that like?” You continue, trying to get somewhere with the oddball at your feet.
Although Colline continues to work, his eyes grow slightly larger and his sucks in a deep breath, ears flattening against his skull slightly. “I, um…don’t want to…” Don’t want to what? You figure then that by his body language the kid has had a ruff past, and that “don’t want to” means that he doesn’t want to talk about it. You then pause, feeling slightly guilty for bringing up such a touchy subject and lean back. Just before the silence became uncomfortably awkward, Colline’s ears perk up and his smiles, lifting his creation towards your face.
“Look!” He exclaims, all traces of any sadness wiped completely from his face. “I made a little robot! Cool huh?” He asks you, bouncing excitedly on his heels. “I think if you flip the little knob on it’s back it will light up for ya’, but you might wanna take it outside before you do that. There is enough smoke in here already!” Giggling, Colline places the robot-thing in your hands and slaps his hands across his hips as if completely proud of himself.
“Thanks for droppin’ by! I hope the robot works!” He says as he turns and heads back towards the back room again. ”Wait, where are you going?” you ask, dumbfounded by his sudden retreat. Colline grins broadly and leans out the doorway. “I gotta go see if I can fix this plug in now. I doubt it’ll work, but oh well!” With that, the little inventor slaps his goggles across his face again and disappears behind the door way, immediately clunking and zapping away at his massive invention.
Profile Layout: Homsar
Art: Me

Pet Treasure

Red Ball

Gray Goggles


Pet Friends

Oh please, oh please, oh please come with me! I have something to show you. It's shiny!

Hi Zin, Hi! Can I come too?