
Alexandren has a minion!

Bomrin the Asio

Legacy Name: Alexandren

The Common Noktoa
Owner: Magpie89

Age: 13 years, 5 months, 4 weeks

Born: December 17th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 5 months, 4 weeks ago

Adopted: December 17th, 2010


  • Level: 112
  • Strength: 153
  • Defense: 26
  • Speed: 52
  • Health: 104
  • HP: 104/104
  • Intelligence: 786
  • Books Read: 772
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Tribune Columnist

Books, books, more books... Everyone loves them! No wonder that Alexandren has a good collection of them in his very own "library". When stepping inside the owl's room it's a small trip back in time. No matter that we have many modern comforts but those are not seen in his room. You see lanterns and candles but no electric lights and you see iron stove but not electric stove or water boiler. It's not that he hates modern times but it simply calms him, makes things simpler and more controlled. Besides, for a creature who is active when sun has settled down the light of a candle is more pleasing than strong electric one. "There's no better pleasure than watching a storm in the candle light and with a warm teacup in your wing."

The room Alexandren lives in is huge, comfortable open area. You can smell old paper, firewood, burned out candles and warm tea. Roaming history, checking out facts and solving secrets are everyday life and the biggest source of pleasure for the inquisitive soul. It's no wonder his peace is sometimes broken by the ones who wish to ask for advice or more precise information of something. Most of the time they are greeted with hot cup of tea or coffee and a load of well explained information.

Of course, with that much stuff to look after one needs a hand, or in this case another pair of wings, to assist in small deeds. Helpful but at the same time a small nuisance, Bomrin is heard if not seen. Small and soft hoots and whistles are heard in the air of the study as the small owl dusts the shelves, arranges books or boils teawater. The unfortunate side is that the little thing loves paper. Sometimes so much he puts them in his own safety places. For this reason the house gets to hear some unpleasant hoots and yells when some important documents are missing. Even if it seems that the pair seems to have a love-hate relationship Alexandren appreciates his small friend.

Pet Treasure

Libraries Around the World

Bloodred Pets

The Language of the Ytivi

Sacred Lands Fairy Tales

Darkness and Ashes: The Language of the Ji-Meneb

Saheric Textbook

Kumos Creation Myths

The Atebus Language

Riverside Fairy Tales

Classic Literature

Deluxe Tea Set

Anatomy: Descriptive and Applied

Saheric Spiced Tea

Veta: A History

Carelessly Stacked Books

Book of Subetan Folklore

Book of Sea Shanties

Fading Tome

Nightmare Journal

A Portrait of the Rainsongs

Jungle Hazards

Understanding the Universe

Introduction to Statistics

Collected Correspondence

Dusty Old Map

Dance of the Spirits

Atebus Warfare Vehicles

A History of Mathematicians

Fields of Logic

Virus Codex

Luminaire in Saherimos

Shadows and Graves: The Language of the Tehb

How to Not Accidentally Free a Sea Witch

Voynich Manuscript

For The Light

Hand-Penned Carolling Sheets

Sojourn to the North

Gilded Saheric Tome

Demons of Autumn

Book of Lost Ancients

History of Blackheart Hollow

Bundle of Old Maps

A Revolution History

Airships to Zeppelins

Ancient Codex Scroll

Ponderous Cane Topper

Book of Ancient Traditions

Chipped Tea Set

Our Neighbor Atebus

Ancient Strategy Guide

Art of Mazes and Mahars

History of Philosophy

Modern Astronomy

Iron Kettle

Red Hot Cast Iron Stove

Thru Time Pocket Watch

Old Family History Book

Elegant Brass Pocket Watch

Curious Broken Clock

Subeta Dictionary I

Subeta Dictionary II

Subeta Dictionary III

Book of Books III

Book of Books II

Book of Books I

The People Directory

The Stone Age

Ancient Sheeta Markings

The Mysteries of Subeta

Time Travel I

Time Travel II

Ancient Saherimos Text

Rotten Rogues Guide to Antiques

The Chancellor

The Book of Monocles

Fun with History: Sacred Lands

Fun with History: Omen Islands

Fun with History: Riverside

Fun with History: Arctic Frost

Fun with History: Veta

Fun with History: Delphi

Fun with History: Atebus

Fun with History: Shadowglen

Ancient Chai Journal

Black Inkwell

Merchants Ledger

Antique Candlesticks

Pemberley Letter Writing Set

Ventura Trinket Box

Mountains of Monocles

Antique Dark Parlor Settee

Ornate Black Bottle

Opulent Antique Coffee Set

Elemental Candles

Haunted Bookshelf

Distinguished Gentleman Monocle

Sturdy Bookends

Pet Friends