
Razoul has a minion!

Minion the Froby

Legacy Name: Razoul

The Glacier Darkonite
Owner: Hiilumaru

Age: 13 years, 5 months, 1 week

Born: January 5th, 2011

Adopted: 11 years, 7 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: October 22nd, 2012


  • Level: 16
  • Strength: 40
  • Defense: 37
  • Speed: 30
  • Health: 30
  • HP: 0/30
  • Intelligence: 6
  • Books Read: 5
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Surfboard Rental Clerk

The little red darkonite's eyes light up as her owner comes in, carrying the oddly-shaped glass bottle in a thick leather bag. Steam pours out of the opening of the sack as she sets it down on the table, then the human girl pulls down the bag, revealing the potion inside.

It took a lot of work. A lot of effort making money to afford it, but the little darkonite's dream had finally come true. Her whole family, her owner and the two other darkonites that she owned, stood around the table... Angani, Sul and Hiilu looked at Razoul with anticipation of her reaction.
She jumped up on the table and circled the bottle, sniffing it, touching the frigid glass with her claws, testing it to see if it was really as cold as it looked, then she put her mouth to the opening and tilted the bottle so the liquid cold inside poured down her throat -

It was remarkable seeing her blood red coat drip down her body, turning white as the potion chased the color out of her fur. frost manifested on the table's surface and cystals formed on her exposed brain and the plates covering her back, neck and chest. Ice even crystallized on the end of her tails.

Her owner held up a mirror. Razoul stuck her face to it, looking at her soft blue nose and sleek white coat - She turned around and admired her entire shimmering body, from her icy blue head plate to her shiny silver hooves, paying special attention to the blue pattern on her hindquarters and the detail at the edges of her painted socks.

"Come on, Zouli!

Razoul looked up at Angani, who had joined her on the table. He held a tightly wound sheet of paper in his mouth - They had planned to build a snow fort before their owner had called them there to the living room.
"Let's go work on the fort! I bet it'll be a ton easier since you're a glacier darkonite now!"
Razoul smiled. She followed Angani and Sul to the door and wiggled into her little white cloak, then Angani grabbed the sled and the harnesses. He and Sul put them on as owner lifted the sled onto her shoulders, then Razoul said "Why are you putting on the harnesses? We're just going to work on the fort, right?"
"Someone messed up the south wall yesterday," Sul said, "So we have a bucket of snowballs waiting by the door. We're gonna go teach them not to mess with our fort, so you're on throwing duty this time!"

They set out. The owner of the three put on her good gloves and set down the sled, then hooked Sul and Angani's harnesses to the rope on the front - They had to go pretty fast to get away from those fort-wreckers after they emptied their snowball bucket on them. Usually, Angani and Razoul were the ones pulling, but today they required an extra boost of speed.
Owner sat on the sled in the front, with the bucket in her lap, and Razoul was in the back. The two pullers counted down, then took off running - it took only a few seconds for them to get going. Once they were up to speed, Razoul climbed up on the owner's shoulders.

Nobody messes with their fort and gets away with it.

Pet Treasure


White Fuzzy Half-Cape

Blue Sled

Pet Friends