
Kamea_288 has a minion!

Joy the Fluff Puff

Legacy Name: Kamea_288

The Common Popoko
Owner: Roja

Age: 13 years, 5 months, 2 days

Born: January 25th, 2011

Adopted: 13 years, 5 months, 2 days ago

Adopted: January 25th, 2011


  • Level: 7
  • Strength: 18
  • Defense: 18
  • Speed: 16
  • Health: 15
  • HP: 15/15
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

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Kamea, the cutest little Popoko you could ever imagine, was pounding away at her little laptop. She only wrote gibberish though. She couldn’t speak any human language, even thought she could understand it. She loved her best friend Roja and wanted to be like her. Of course she loved Popoko stuff as well, like eating nuts, playing in the tree tops and relaxing in the grass.
The thing with Kamea was that she loved human things as well. Roja noticed this as she caught Kamea playing with her computer, phone and even play with her gun. That’s when Roja started to buy electronics and toy weapons for her friend. Kamea was ecstatic. She just loved the little laptop, even if it was a kid’s toy. She loves her calculator almost as much. And the sword, she was really proud of that. Roja also had a toy sword and some times the “fought”. It was so exciting for the little Popoko to be included, appreciated and taken seriously. She was Rojas friend, but the human had such strange friends. A huge catlike creature with wings, another cat that was on fire and two dogs with huge teeth (one really looked like a zombie).

Kamea had her friends, Joy the Fluff Puff and she really cared about the Kumos, Tangi and his friend Ryu the Armadillog. She used to ride on Tangi’s back whenever she could. Kamea had a very strong will and kind of a short fuse, just like Roja. She knew what she wanted and if she didn’t get her will she pouted. Or ran away. She didn’t really run, and she never went far. Just far enough to make her point. She was an expert at opening windows. Even when they were locked. This little Popoko was in love with the colour green. She loved glade animals and the thought of being so in one with nature made her all tingly inside. She had seen them in the forest, surrounded by spider and other insects, butterflies and hummingbirds. And flowers, more flowers and anyone one could dream of. Pink, blue, yellow and lilac. All in perfect harmony. Kamea was divided into two Popokos. One of them was a city creature. Tough, brave and good at math. Yes she had become good at math after all those hours with the calculator. But the other part of here, that searched for tranquillity and peace, to be in one with Mother Nature and to relax in the grass and eat nuts.

What Kamea didn’t knew, was that Roja was saving up money to help Kamea become glade. She didn’t know how long it would take and if they could get into Peka Glade as that powersick Sebastian Phoenix had closed that wonderful place off. Time will show. In the mean time, Kamea was happy with her life. With her friends and her toys and food. The basked she kept anything in was getting pretty full now. She needed to get a bigger one. The thought of that made her giggle.
Profile by Roja

Pet Treasure

Frozen Rose Key

Dried Fruits and Nuts

Kumos Calculator

White Laptop

2005 New Years Sword

Peanut Butter Cookie

Candied Walnuts

Peanut Butter Lip Gloss


Girl Treebaby

Cork Gun

Glade Bird

Glade Puppy

Glade Bunny


Popoko Sticky Toy

Pet Friends