
Narthae has a minion!

Nuke the Nuclear Rave Fish

Legacy Name: Narthae

The Dusk Dragarth
Owner: Maneki

Age: 13 years, 3 months, 3 weeks

Born: February 16th, 2011

Adopted: 13 years, 3 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: February 16th, 2011


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 12
  • HP: 12/12
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Name: Narthae

Nickname: Thae

Age: 20

Orientation: Straight

Height/Weight: 5'9''/150 Lbs (All muscle)

Species: Half Dragon

Occupation: Big brother

Hobbies: Skateboarding, playing with his little sister

Personality: Comes off cold at first meeting, but as you get to know him, he will become more gentle, and friendly. He just does not want to be hurt. He has seen too many people hurt by others.

Looks: Blond hair covering his right eye, pale skin, large blue dragon wings, a long blue dragon tail, slight fangs, claws, and ice blue eyes. Likes to wear baggy jeans, and a t-shirt of any color/print (as long as it's not girly), and black/gray sneakers.

Likes: Dragons, skateboarding, the color blue, reading, peppermint tea, anything sweet and chocolatey, rock and techno music, thriller movies, blueberries, loves his little sister Risa.

Dislikes: Most sappy love songs, most pop music, rap music, cuddling with anyone but his sister.

Back story:

I became a Half Dragon by touching a Dragon's Egg as the baby inside was dying.

Aaaannnd I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start at the beginning of that story.

I was running from the usual beatings of my father, who was drunk again that night. He had already grown tired of beating my mother, and had turned to me. I ran after the first punch and didn't stop running, because I knew he was chasing me. I could hear his shouts and the pounding of his feet on the ground behind me.

He was getting closer.

In a desperate attempt to shake him off my trail, I began to climb the mountain near our town. I didn't stop climbing until I reached an abandoned cave. That was when I noticed a strange sound. It sounded like something was squeaking. I looked around for the source of the sound, and found a very large egg.

It was glowing faintly. It was a Dragon's Egg.

I noticed that the glow was too faint for a healthy Baby Dragon to come out of that Egg, and realized that this was the reason the cave was abandoned. I picked up the Egg, curious if I could save the Baby Dragon, and befriend it. I stared at the Egg, and was shocked when the glow dimmed even more. I watched in horror as the last of the glow faded away, and stared at the dead Egg in my hands. Then I felt a strange feeling come over me.

I realized that if I wanted to stay Human, I should put the Egg down, and did so.

But it was too late.

His soul blended into mine, and changed my body forever. I screamed in pain as my wings and tail grew, and fire flowed out of my lungs and mouth as I watched in terror.

I was part Dragon.

I stared at the melted rocks in front of me, dazed, then fainted. It was not right for a Dragon's soul to blend with a Human's. Most people died from that, or went crazy and had to be killed. I was afraid that I would die, then laughed at myself for it. What was there for me to live for? I got beaten up nearly every night by my most-of-the-time-drunk Father, and Mother almost always insulted me, and said that if I hadn't been born, none of this would be happening.

Then a small but strong voice said that I could leave. I didn't have to go home. I could fly to another town, or even a city, and get a job. Maybe even I could find a new home... So when I woke up, I found some food and left the town.

I was going to find a girl who changed my whole life. She taught me what love and family was, but I was still very wary of her. Then she adopted a girl whose name was Mia. I was still uncertain for a long time if this was the place I could call home. After a long few years she adopted yet another girl, Risa, while Mia went to to work at a cafe.

I was confused about these girls. Why did I want to protect them?

It didn't take me very long to realize why.. With the help of my Dragon side, I learned that I was starting to think of them as family. I wanted to protect them, because I was starting to love them. I had found a home.

And I WILL protect them.

Pet Treasure

Aqua Esther

Pet Friends