
Legacy Name: Tigga_940

The Scribble Hipottu
Owner: Kabby

Age: 13 years, 2 months, 3 weeks

Born: March 7th, 2011

Adopted: 11 years, 11 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: June 9th, 2012


  • Level: 2
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 8
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 13
  • HP: 10/13
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Adopted June 3rd

June 3rd
- Tigga has turned Male!
- Euclid aims the laser at Tigga and it fires! Tigga ... isn't hungry anymore?
- Euclid shakes the laser, but nothing happens. He offers to increase Tigga's treasure chest instead (6 TC spaces)
- Tigga changed into a Ontra!
- Euclid shakes the laser, but nothing happens. He offers to increase Tigga's treasure chest instead (7 TC Spaces)
June 4th
- Euclid aims the laser at Tigga and it fires! Tigga changes into a Arid Mallarchy
- Tigga has changed Spectrum!
- Euclid aims the laser at Tigga and it fires! Tigga changes ... into a Female?
- Euclid shakes the laser, but nothing happens. He offers to increase Tigga's treasure chest instead (8 TC)
June 5th
- Oh dear! Tigga turned into a Swampie!
- Euclid aims the laser at Tigga and it fires! Tigga changes ... into a Male?
- Tigga changed into a Hipottu!
- Your pet starts to growl, and quickly transforms into a Experiment #008.
- Oh dear! Tigga turned into a Swampie!
- Euclid aims the laser at Tigga and it fires! Tigga changes +3 points in Health
- Oh dear! Tigga has mutated into a Darkonite!
June 6th- Euclid aims the laser at Tigga and it fires! Tigga changes into a Twilight Kora
- Euclid aims the laser at Tigga and it fires! Tigga changes -2 points in Defense
- Oh dear! Tigga turned into a Swampie!
- Euclid aims the laser at Tigga and it fires! Tigga changes into a Scribble Hipottu

Pet Treasure

Pet Friends