
Alice Rose Blackthorne has a minion!

Sorrow the Kaosan

Alice Rose Blackthorne
Legacy Name: Alice Rose Blackthorne

The Glade Pherret
Owner: Bunny_Warrior

Age: 13 years, 3 months, 1 week

Born: March 16th, 2011

Adopted: 13 years, 3 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: March 16th, 2011

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 6
  • Strength: 17
  • Defense: 15
  • Speed: 15
  • Health: 15
  • HP: 15/15
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

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...And Crazy!
The Story of Alice Rose Blackthorne
Every family has their skeletons hidden deep in the closet, secrets that they wish could be hidden for all time. This story is the shame of the Blackthorne family. Only her four siblings remain out of all her numerous relations. Her younger three siblings are so shamed by her that two of them refuse to use the name any more and the third denies all relations to Alice Rose. The oldest surviver who was not there during the incident because his duties required him else where simply shakes his head and sighs. This tale is too big to be concealed. Alice Rose Blackthorne's story may be horrifying and so I warn you; if you are faint of heart, do not read further.

Alice Rose Blackthorne was a very bright young Pherret, and loved by all. Born into the high class society of the Blackthorne family, she seemed to be the life of the almost endless parties that the Blackthornes held. The young Pherret's midnight black fur glistened in the light of the dance hall. Her emerald green eyes sparkled as she exchanged gossip with one friend or another. Of course, her favorite party dress matched those shimmering eyes, and made her all the more beautiful with its plainness. Although she wore long black gloves, they were hard to see. This was the image most remembered of the happy, chattering young girl, that is, until misfortune fell upon her.

Alice's beauty was well known, and many a young handsome man came to woo her. This drew spite from other girls of the other families, whose beauty was dimmed by her presence. They did, however, pretend to be her friend, waiting for a way to remove her as their competition. One day, a prince of a faraway land named Naveen arrived. He had heard of the beauty living in the home of the Blackthorne family from a traveler and wished to meet this graceful creature himself. The moment he set his eyes on her, he fell in love. Prince Naveen danced with her, and as they dance gracefully, they spoke. Enchanted by her grace and charm, the prince was determined to have her for himself. However, disaster stuck his kingdom, and his father recalled him. Presenting Alice Rose with a golden rose, he promised to return, asking for her to wait. Alice was enchanted by the young prince, and promised to wait faithfully. The young women, those who called themselves her friends, saw this and were envious. They began to plot against Alice, choosing the eldest of them to try to woo the prince away when he returned, while the others set on building mistrust in Alice against the prince. "Alice, how do you know your prince is faithful?" whispered one girl, "Perhaps he only wishes to make fun of you, and this is why he pretends to woo you. When he has brought up your hopes, he will dash them," said another, and the other girls agreed. Alice became worried, and her one of her younger sister sisters, Angela Blackthorne, could tell. "Do not listen to them, Sister," Angela said, "They only wish harm upon you. This prince loves you with all his heart. He will come for you when the time is right." Alice Rose heeded her wise younger sister, yet once the seed of doubt is planted it cannot be taken out so easily.

The girls continued to feed lies to Alice, speculating on what ladies the price was dancing with that night. Each time, Alice came away in tears, and her sister Angela reassured her. No matter how much Angela assured her, the seed slowly began to spread. After many months, Prince Naveen came for his intended bride. The handsome fellow, his golden face filled with love, kneeled before Alice, and presented her with a pale gold ring with a large pale emerald. He asked her in his strong voice, "Will you consent to marry me?" Happily, Alice accepted the ring joyfully and began to mentally prepare for her wedding. This is where the story should end, with a happily every after, but this is where it goes horribly, horribly wrong. The eldest of the jealous beautiful girls came to the prince that night. Her fur was as dark as Alice's fur, but her eyes were deep sea blue. This girl, Kendra of the Jrendal family, began to woo Prince Naveen, telling him that she was more to his liking than Alice. Alice Rose, however, had grown suspicious. She trusted no one, not even her own family. So, not trusting her beloved, Alice snuck to his door and heard the conversation, and began to gnash her teeth. 'He must only be talking with her,' she thought insistently, but part of her did not believe it. She stalked to her room, mind whirling. The next morning, as she prepared for the party that day, she added an unadorned dagger hidden in her sleeve, a present from her brother Shimmeringsand to protect her in her room in case of robbery. She would see how faithful her love was for herself.

Alice Rose arrived late to the party, which was unusual since she always appeared early to gossip with the other girls. The dances had already begun, and Alice looked around the room for her beloved. Her suspicious eyes spied him twirling across the floor with Kendra, her archnemesis. They laughed together, and although the prince’s back was turned to her, Alice imagined the loving look he must be giving Kendra. Alice screamed in rage as the flower of her suspicion burst into bloom. How could he do this to her!? He had said that he loved her! The enraged Pherret stalked through the crowd, and those who moved to greet her shrank back from her sudden rage. Suddenly there was only her, Kendra and the prince. Prince Naveen was shocked and begged to explain himself, but Alice was beyond reason. Her drew her knife and stuck once, then twice, then three times. The body of the prince fell, covered in blood as she continued to stab. Then, covered in the blood of her love, she turned on the one who had stolen him, and slaughtered her. No tongue can tell what happened next. Alice's rage was a burning fury. She turned upon the guests, who had frozen in shock, with her bloody knife, her black gloves coated with the blood of the many that fell before her like wheat. Her rage made her an animal, and soon not a soul lived with in a mile. When she had killed all, she turned to where the body of her beloved had fall, and was shocked to find it gone. The only survivors of this event were her three siblings, Shimmeringsand, Angela and Safiraa, who had fled the moment they saw the knife instead of freezing. Her brother Solaren had not attended. They swore not to tell any one, and to this day, they have not told a soul. When she saw the destruction she had caused, Alice wept, howling her anguish to the uncaring sky. Then she buried the bodies, and fixed the house, only leaving the blood on herself and the walls.

To this day, Alice Rose Blackthorne still lives in the run-down mansion of her family. She pines away for her Prince Naveen, telling herself that one day he would return and asking travelers if they have news of him. When they don't know what she is asking about, she falls into rage and slaughters them. This is why the once well traveled road is now in disuse as the travelers would rather waste a day than stay at the house of the crazy murder. Only her brother Solaren visits her when his duties allow, but even he cannot stand what his sweet sister has become. The only companion Alice Rose has now is a Kaosan who carries the pieces of her mistress's broken heart, sadly waiting for the dead prince who will never come to return and fix it.

Story by Bunny_Warrior

Pet Profile by SubetaHQ

Pet Treasure

Mossy Green Medieval Dress

Gold Rose Trinket

Swirly Pale Gold Engagement Ring

Used Short Sword

Bloodred Gloves

Pet Friends

My Twin Brother... Oh I love you so...

My Younger Brother...

Prince Naveen
Oh my love my love... I miss you terribly...