
Hercubum has a minion!

Blink the Rabbit Cactus

Legacy Name: Hercubum

The Chibi Archan
Owner: TERRIfic

Age: 13 years, 2 months, 2 weeks

Born: March 30th, 2011

Adopted: 13 years, 2 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: March 30th, 2011


  • Level: 17
  • Strength: 43
  • Defense: 38
  • Speed: 58
  • Health: 35
  • HP: 31/35
  • Intelligence: 78
  • Books Read: 77
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Veterinary Technician

Ah you have arrived... finally! Terrific told me you were coming but honestly, can you believe anything she says?? Well what do you think of the new place, pretty sweet, huh? Much bigger now and I have lots of space for all my lovely books! Well I will have space when I get them! Have you seen the kitchen, ah it gets me so excited. I just love food, cupcakes, bread, pasta I love it ALL!!*drools*

Can you believe how behind I am in my reading? By 2014 I guarantee to have 200 books read and atleast 250 foods consumed! Shouldn't be too hard *pats belly*! In the mean time, have a look around, meet some of my friends and don't forget to give Blink a pat on your way out. If you see Terrific tell her I've gone out, thanks!

Pet Treasure

The Chancellor

Silver Hard Cello Case

2013 Survival Bag

Tempestilence Scroll

Barbari Bread

Hot Dog

Pet Friends

Nariko the Valiant
Hercubum's first friend!!