
Legacy Name: Sera

The Bloodred Lain
Owner: metal

Age: 13 years, 2 months, 1 week

Born: April 7th, 2011

Adopted: 10 years, 4 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: January 27th, 2014


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Thank you glorious Damien for this blood sacrifice squished into a cute name

yo i got a redesign lel

-related to the Three Undying Sisters // sacrificed, raised up by the king of Hell instead of Gil
-first becoming a demon, her own shadow scares her, (demonic hulking shadowy creature.) Thinks something is following her until Marc tells her how it is. Comforts her
-covered in tree-like, branches, flowers, buds // tattoos in life // in "demon form?" they show as "veins" or "blood" pumping beneath the skin
-some kind of branding on wrist
-demons that were once human slowly become more like/more in touch with shadow, slowly merge into one (like the appearance of the king) - slow corruption

Whispers. screams. Wails of agony. She awoke disorientated and in a cold sweat, iron shackles restraining her limbs to the bed frame beneath her. The room around her looked familiar to terrible places she'd seen. Images of the local jail cells in Rekai came to mind; empty, rotting rooms with one or two pieces of furniture that made your bones ache if you were to sit in them for too long. Her body was in a world of pain. Visible bruised and welts crawled up both her arms to which she assumed were mirrored on her legs, but barely able to tilt her neck she couldn't confirm her suspicions.

Footsteps broke the silence emanating from the desolated room and whatever lurked outside her door. She turned her body towards the noise as much as she could, eager for help or any kind of answers. The last thing she remembered was tucking her younger sisters in for the night before settling in herself. She felt like she'd gone out like a light as soon as her head had hit the pillow, but she couldn't be sure. Had she been drugged somehow? Twisting on what felt like springs digging into her raw flesh, she tried to call out but nothing would come. A hoarse exhalation of breath was all her body could muster. Shock turned to fear as she tugged on her restraints with all the energy she had. The chains made more noise than she could have hoped for. The footsteps grew closer and so she rattled harder. Help! She mouthed in the dim light, screaming internally, praying for someone to answer her.

Whomever or whatever stopped right outside the door. She shook the chains with all her might, yelling silently not caring that she had no voice. It was obvious they could hear her struggling and rattling. A few moments passed and her arms slowly grew tired before she stopped completely and rested back on the uncomfortable bed frame. It was like daggers were digging into her bare back. She closed her eyes, searching her mind for something she could do, some other way to make them talk to her or even acknowledge her existence in this disgusting place, but she was coming up empty.

Everything started to settle in. She was alone, forgotten by her family, drugged and kidnapped in the night by god-knows who and brought to this terrible place to rot. Had they noticed she was gone? What would her sisters do without her? She began to sob into the silence, hopeless and scared. Just as the tears started to roll down her cheeks she was startled by what she thought was laughter. W-who? She rapidly scanned the room with tears clouding her vision. There, in the slit of the door. Two great black eyes staring back at her. Normally she would have recoiled but something kept her focused, even made her shake the tears away as they continued to drop.

"She's awake." The eyes said, unblinking and just as focused on her as she was on them.
"Good. He'll want to see her." Another voice she hadn't even known was there. "Make her presentable."

Black eyes had pulled away from the tiny window and sounded like it was fiddling with keys.

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