
Tomoe Gozen has a minion!

Saisei the Sheir

Tomoe Gozen
Legacy Name: Tomoe Gozen

The Bloodred Legeica
Owner: Seiryuu

Age: 12 years, 11 months, 2 weeks

Born: May 19th, 2011

Adopted: 12 years, 11 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: May 19th, 2011


  • Level: 2
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 4
  • Books Read: 2
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vulputate scelerisque euismod. Aenean mollis nulla in justo placerat eleifend. Suspendisse eu auctor urna. Duis a enim mi. Donec varius diam in turpis iaculis sed aliquet erat sodales. Nam pretium malesuada nibh blandit tincidunt. Aenean fermentum, elit et rutrum vestibulum, neque est sollicitudin diam, eget varius lorem mi ut dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam iaculis mauris malesuada velit congue eu luctus velit interdum. Pellentesque vehicula imperdiet lacus et aliquam. Quisque lobortis urna ac magna aliquam a tristique eros gravida. Nulla facilisi. Sed in urna dolor, quis semper quam. Aenean accumsan euismod velit, at dignissim massa mollis sed. Mauris blandit metus eu mi pretium tempor.

Maecenas ultricies urna vitae dui hendrerit hendrerit. Curabitur arcu ipsum, imperdiet ac posuere quis, condimentum vel dui. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque venenatis massa urna, vel scelerisque diam. Phasellus tortor nibh, venenatis at volutpat et, ultrices in lacus. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur tellus lorem, ultrices vel adipiscing eget, egestas nec urna. Quisque feugiat blandit ligula egestas porta. Morbi quis nisl risus.

Mauris turpis tortor, mattis sed accumsan vel, dapibus eget metus. Nullam in ligula risus. In tristique scelerisque lacus, eget pulvinar metus tristique nec. Donec commodo eros mattis lacus tristique sit amet bibendum dui vulputate. Nulla lectus magna, ultricies vitae gravida ut, convallis nec mi. Phasellus blandit suscipit vulputate. Morbi faucibus tincidunt nulla sed tempus. Cras eget nisi diam. Mauris metus urna, suscipit vitae dictum id, convallis eget justo. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc molestie, orci ut accumsan sollicitudin, sem magna suscipit purus, in bibendum lorem metus id nunc.

Nam metus mauris, consectetur quis aliquet non, sagittis sit amet libero. Proin nec lorem vel diam blandit blandit non quis augue. Vivamus commodo elit vitae eros iaculis viverra. Praesent nisi turpis, euismod at tincidunt sit amet, fermentum sit amet odio. Praesent metus justo, posuere eget imperdiet vel, sodales eget orci. Suspendisse ut massa vel enim luctus tempus a sed velit. Phasellus diam augue, placerat eu venenatis nec, gravida non dui. Morbi sed neque odio, sit amet rhoncus eros. Aenean eget sapien vitae neque fringilla pulvinar quis sit amet justo. Curabitur tempor dui id urna porttitor placerat.

Quisque elit nunc, faucibus eget gravida et, condimentum sed arcu. Vivamus non ante in diam fringilla cursus a eget enim. Cras in porttitor lectus. Fusce gravida lorem ornare tortor rhoncus laoreet. Cras vulputate augue vel justo ornare porttitor. Suspendisse malesuada dictum dolor in posuere. In vel ultricies tellus. Donec sodales hendrerit lectus, sit amet adipiscing tortor pretium in. Etiam nulla est, scelerisque non elementum eu, aliquam quis nibh. Vivamus posuere, risus blandit lobortis sodales, neque odio rutrum massa, id iaculis tortor justo commodo est. Proin tincidunt suscipit cursus. Pellentesque vestibulum blandit justo ut egestas. Suspendisse hendrerit euismod neque, at mattis sem fringilla sit amet. Ut ac arcu non nibh egestas pulvinar. Pellentesque ultrices sapien sed sapien accumsan bibendum non ut sem. Vestibulum pulvinar tristique lorem, vel aliquet lectus aliquam ac.

Lady Samurai: The History

In the tales that came from the history of Japan, there is very little mention of the women of the times, and even less note of female warriors. One of the few exceptions of this is Tomoe Gozen, a female samurai known for her strength and bravery1. She has been said to be the concubine of Minamoto no Yoshinaka, though other sources have claimed her to be a female attendant, wife, or even a prostitute2.

One of the most prominent descriptions of her is from the Tale of the Heike, where she is lauded as a warrior who overcame the stereotypes of gender1.

[quote="Tale of the Heike]Tomoe was especially beautiful, with white skin, long hair, and charming features. She was also a remarkably strong archer, and as a swordswoman she was a warrior worth a thousand, ready to confront a demon or a god, mounted or on foot. She handled unbroken horses with superb skill; she rode unscathed down perilous descents. Whenever a battle was imminent, Yoshinaka sent her out as his first captain, equipped with strong armor, an oversized sword, and a mighty bow; and she performed more deeds of valor than any of his other warriors3.The tale of Minamoto no Yoshinaka's death is one of the most prominent where Tomoe Gozen is concerned. At the end of the Battle of Awazu, it is said that Yoshinaka urged her to flee the field, but she instead rode down one of the strongest enemies to buy him time to commit seppuku - ritual suicide. Her actions were in vain, though, as Yoshinaka died from an arrow. What happened to her after this point in time is unknown. Many sources claimed she died with Minamoto no Yoshinaka, while others say she escaped to the eastern provinces and became a Buddhist nun4.

Although, she is one of the most well-know female samurai in Japanese history, it is not actually known whether Tomoe Gozen truly existed or if her entire life was a fabrication. Not for lack of trying, no solid proof of her existence has ever been found4.

Incarnations: Tomoe in Popular Culture

As a testament to her popularity as a historical figure, whether she existed or not, Tomoe Gozen has appeared in novels, japanese dramas and animations, manga and video games. She appears as herself in the kabuki play Onna Shibaraku2, the taiga drama Yoshitsune, the Sci-Fi novel Riverworld, and the Tomoe Gozen trilogy. She is Chie Satonaka's persona in Persona 4.

Tomoe Gozen also appears as reincarnations in Samurai Deeper Kyo as Saisei, where she is portrayed as being highly efficient with a naginata, and in Nurarihyon no Mago as Hagoromo Gitsune, where she is seen wielding a large iron fan1.

Profile, Overlay and Story: Seiryuu
Stock Image: guavon-stock
Legeica Lines: Keshi, Colour: Seiryuu
Sakura Brush:Pigmonkeynsuzi

2The Samurai Archives
3McCullough, Tale of the Heike, pg. 291

Also, a special thanks to #PSSupport and Hongske for her exceedingly helpful Subeta CSS Compendium!

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