
Shytake has a minion!

Playdough the Leezurkard

Legacy Name: Shytake

The Blacklight Kumos
Owner: CaribbeanPirate

Age: 13 years, 3 weeks, 4 days

Born: May 21st, 2011

Adopted: 13 years, 3 weeks, 4 days ago

Adopted: May 21st, 2011


  • Level: 20
  • Strength: 52
  • Defense: 47
  • Speed: 45
  • Health: 45
  • HP: 25/45
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

A Rainbow comes into being after a rain shower or storm of some sort. The sunlight reflects off the raindrops and creates a spectrum of colours. Its the worlds way of bringing out the sun and sharing some hope with everyone who sees it. Its thought to be a lucky sight, and people have long been known to try to find the end for that hidden pot of gold.

It was a day exactly like this when Shytake was found. There had been a heavy storm that raged across the city for three days straight. It was miserable weather, and people ran from cover to cover, huddled under pitiful umbrellas that didn't stop the wind from blowing the rain into the people and soaking their clothes through. Lightning lit up the sky every so often, big claps of thunder that tore through the air like a river churning into rapids.

This was Sydney, Australia. The buildings were tall, the bats ruled the night sky, and people minded their own business. Central Park was a popular place for city dwellers, everyone wanted an apartment that looked out over the spacious gardens and tilting trees that made up this beautiful area. On the east side of Central Park was a building that once housed a well known artist. His studio was situated on the second floor from the top and had a perfect outlook of the park - to give the artist his inspiration, it was said.

Now no one knew what happened to this artist, though it was speculated that he became bankrupt and was forced to relocate. The loft stood abandoned for months afterwards, no one wanting to buy it for fear of some curse that no one actually knew the particulars of.. People are superstitious folks, believing any rumour that came their way; no one wanted the artists bad luck.

Pet Treasure

100k Members Rainbow Candle

2006 Rainbow Socks

Rainbow Arm Warmers

I-Love-You Rainbow

Fake Rainbow Star Rod

Pet Friends