
Fire-Chaser has a minion!

Council Minion the Tyoth

Legacy Name: Fire-Chaser

The Reborn Rreign
Owner: The_West_Wind

Age: 13 years, 1 week, 6 days

Born: June 2nd, 2011

Adopted: 13 years, 1 week, 6 days ago

Adopted: June 2nd, 2011


  • Level: 5
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 12
  • Speed: 11
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

"Hey there good-looking, how 'bout I buy you a drink?"

~Under Construction - all info is Subject To Change~


Full Name: Chase Half-Dragon, Exile of the Red Flight (more of a title really...)

Alias: Chase

Gender: Male

Age: ?? (older than he looks)

Orientation: Bisexual - he's a player. Gender doesn't matter, as long as he thinks you are attractive.

Height: 5'11"

Build: Lean, but not skinny.

Eyes: He can change their colour. He usually makes them a stunning shade of blue, but they're naturally a bright, molten-gold. His natural colour tends to show through when he is very distressed/upset, angry, incredibly surprised, very scared, or very, very happy. (Basically, intense emotion screws with his control over their colouring.)

Hair: Red. Like, bright fire-engine red. He hates it, but he's tried multiple times to change it and nothing works.

Skin: Pale, with a few freckles here and there.

~Other Notes:~

Appearance: He has a lip-ring (middle of his bottom lip), a tongue stud, and both of his ears pierced. He usually wears diamond studs in his ears, though he has a few bone/horn earrings that he sometimes wears. He also usually wears cuffs - either leather or metal, though sometimes both - and chains around his wrists, as well as chains and a collar-like cuff around his neck.
Most importantly, he has a huge tattoo covering his back that was given to him on the event of his exile from the Dragon Realm. It was cut, burned, and magically seared into his back, and it cannot be hidden by anything (except clothing of course - but even then, with the correct spell, it will reveal itself). It completely seals almost all of his magic, and acts as a locator beacon to any dragon or dragon-sent whenever the Coucil feels the need to check up on him. Since it is a symbol of his exile, it can also make him a target for anything draconic, or really anyone that knows what the tattoo symbolizes. However, this isn't that big a deal most of the time, as there are very few beings outside of the Dragon Realm that understand what it means. Unfortunately, the ones who do know are usually Dragon Hunters...
He has a few other tattoos as well, most notably a tribal/runic design down his left arm. He has them partly because he thinks they're sexy, but mostly to make the large one on his back seem less conspicuous.

Personality: Charming, witty, incredibly flirtatious, usually suggestive.
However, to his credit, he is not at all vain, and his complements tend to be genuine. He's also quite easy-going and rarely gets into fights.
When he does get angry, his silver tongue becomes quite acidic. He is the type that can easily either diffuse a violent situation or start one with nothing but his words, though he usually chooses to keep those sorts of situations from getting physical, because it attracts the wrong kind of attention.
He enjoys club-hopping, and prefers casual encounters over a steady companion. He has commitment issues, but that doesn't normally bother anyone, because he makes it quite clear right from the start that he's not likely to stick around for very long.
Because of his commitment issues, he has a lot of 'friends' but no one close - because, of course, he won't let anyone get close. Even the idea of someone knowing that much about him scares him, so he flirts and goofs off and always keeps his guard up.

(The rest is coming... sometime. Eventually.)

Pet Treasure

Free Beer

Shot of Whiskey

Flaming B-52

Homemade Dark Rum

Whiskey Coffee

Cuba Libre



Dry Gin



Distilled Rum



Elmos Flask

Skull Vodka Bottle


Pet Friends

What the hell man, stay away from me! I haven't even done anything, Hunter freak.