
SailorNemesis has a minion!

Diamond the Icei

Legacy Name: SailorNemesis

The Twilight Legeica
Owner: rodentfanatic

Age: 13 years, 2 weeks, 2 days

Born: June 2nd, 2011

Adopted: 13 years, 2 weeks, 2 days ago

Adopted: June 2nd, 2011


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Name: Hari in the Sailor Moon fandom, Isabella Dahl when outside it
Senshi Name Sailor Nemesis
Age:Child to early teens
While her height varies according to what age she is currently appearing as, she is always very slim, slight, and delicate, with supernaturally pale skin, blue eyes, and straight white hair that goes at least to her waist. Her breasts and hips (when she is old enough to have them) are small and her limbs are slender. Her clothing is generally entirely black, and the style varies depending on what age she is played at and if it's her Sailor Moon version (Hari/Sailor Nemesis) or Isabella, and, if the latter, what setting she is in. She never seems to smile, and has a perpetual neutral/stoic expression.

As a Sailor Senshi, she actually cannot transform, but if she could, her fuku would have black as the primary color (skirt, collar) and gray as the secondary (ribbons) and her shoes would be black ballet flats, while her symbol is the upside-down black moon shared by all of the Black Moon Clan.

* Very quiet and reserved, keeps to herself, rather stern and studious
* Appears almost entirely without emotions, but does love her father deeply, absolutely, and utterly
* Speaks so rarely that she has been taken for a mute
* Highly intelligent, but her isolated upbringing has made her resistant to considering any point of view that isn't her own
* Quite content with how things are; any action she takes against the status quo is on behalf of improving things for her father and making him happy, not because she personally wants anything to change
* No interest in physical play (probably in part to her frail and oft-sickly nature) and prefers books and thinking




During the R season Crystal Tokyo battle with the Black Moon Clan in this universe, Prince Diamond held Neo Queen Serenity captive for an entire year until the senshi were able to rescue her. During this time, she was hypnotized (he still had the evil eye--in this universe, the powers of the Black Moon Clan are hereditary rather than gifts of Wideman) into being his lover and plaything, and during that time conceived and bore his child, Hari (means 'crystal' in Japanese). Since the senshi had no way of knowing that this had happened and the baby was not in sight when they arrived, they left Hari behind on Nemesis when they rescued Serenity. Serenity herself, once she was released from the influence of Diamond's hypnotism, remembered little of what she experienced while her mind...and flashes of what she could recall were so traumatic that she didn't ever want to try remembering more. Thus, she never even realized herself that she had given birth, and so Hari was raised on the planet Nemesis without anyone from Earth ever knowing she existed.

At least, not for awhile. You see, Hari is but one small part of a larger AU/fanfic SMverse of mine that centers not around her, but around the adventures of Chibiusa and the Sailor Quartet/Asteroid Senshi in Crystal Tokyo. One of the enemies they face is the Opposito Senshi team (remember them from the Sailor Moon: Another Story video game?) and since the leader of the Opposito Senshi, Sin, has a canon grudge against the Black Moon for killing her parents, she pays the planet Nemesis a visit...

After her attack, it is decided by Neo Queen Serenity that, as the prisoners of the Royal Family, the Black Moon Clan is her responsibility, meaning that now they will be moved, for their own safety, from being imprisoned on Nemesis to being prisoners on they get what they were fighting for (living on Earth) but not in the way that they wanted. Life sucks, huh? This is how Hari's existence is discovered, and Diamond gives a very disgustingly smug/pleased explanation as to what EXACTLY her parentage is and how it happened when he sees that Neo Queen Serenity doesn't remember. After that, he pretty much has to be kept away from ALL the Senshi for his own good, eeesh. As for Hari, well...welcome to Earth, kiddo. She's pretty overwhelmed. New family, new world, new...everything. Too much to list, because she's only ever lived in one place her whole life. And not in the way that people usually mean that. People on our plant who have "only ever lived in one place" still unusually went to school, to the store, took trips, had neighbors, etc. Hari has had none of that. She has never set a toe outside of the Black Moon Castle on Nemesis before, never met anyone new before, never seen the sunlight as it is on Earth, rarely seen plants, never slept in any room other than her own or her father's, and so on. It's just too much all at once and she can't really take it. She'll adjust gradually through exposure...hopefully.


Ceres:My version of Ceres is someone who, though she may not always be pleasant, is always polite, and she also has no reason to dislike Hari, though no reason to like her either. They'd both just basically be polite acquaintances unless/until circumstances force otherwise.

Pallas:Pallas has little to no interest in boring ol' Hari, and Hari is flustered and annoyed by her loudness and immaturity. They've never truly quarreled, they just avoid each other, but one of these days Hari will get too irritated and snap at Pallas or something and then I fear for her, because that little girl is CRAZY.

Vesta:I'm not sure exactly what she thinks of Hari, but in this universe, Sailor Vesta is the senshi of animals, just as her Amazoness persona of VesVes was the animal trainer in the Dead Moon Circus...and as it turns out, Hari is afraid of animals, since there were very few living creatures on the planet Nemesis, and those that did exist were usually dangerous in some way.

Juno:The Juno in this 'verse is one who practices "tough love" with a calculated facade of the latter quality not existing, only the former. However, her first instinct when it comes to the weak or needy is to nourish them and make them strong...via adversity. Seeing how frail Hari is and how sheltered she has been her whole life, I think Juno would feel compelled to 'toughen her up' for her own good, and it would come off to anyone who didn't know her well as simple bullying and sabotage. Of course, Hari doesn't realize WHY Juno is doing all this, though. From her perspective, the Amazon just has it out for her, and Hari unabashedly dislikes her as a result, which Juno interprets as ingratitude.

Diana:Not really sure. I don't have a solid handle on Diana's personality beyond cute and polite and cute. Probably somewhere between that of Ceres and Chibiusa's attitudes, though.

Hotaru:Hotaru is a complicated one in this regard. Basically, she recognizes that Hari and her have a lot of similarities. Hari is frail and dresses mostly in black, like she used to. Hari is the daughter of a white-haired villain who has an eye that is unusual in some way, like she was (Diamond's third evil eye, Professor Tomoe's weird glasses lens on one side). She never got to run around outside in the sun and have friends, just like she used to. Basically, Hotaru is reminded terribly of her past self by Hari, and while that partly makes her want, like Chibiusa, to 'save' her, it also makes her hate Hari in a way because she is, by pure coincidence, a living manifestation of many of the worst parts of Hotaru's old life come back to haunt her in this one, and so she can't help but want to drive her away. So she's rather hot and cold towards Hari, though she tries to hide and squelch the more negative feelings because Hotaru is a nice girl like that. Hari, of course, is not aware of any of this, doesn't know what at all to make of Hotaru's back-and-forth behavior towards her besides finding it annoying, and just wants the same thing from Hotaru that she wants from everyone else--to be let alone.


Prince Diamond: He loves Hari greatly and deeply, but it's hard to say if he actually loves her for her, or just because she is the physical symbol of when he was winning the war with Earth and in complete possession of Serenity at every level (physical/mental/etc.) I personally think that the case is both, actually. I also think there may be something incestuous (though to what degree, I'm not sure) going on between them, but I'm probably not going to include that in my "canon" for this AU, just because I don't think I could write/portray it properly, because when it comes to something as sensitive and serious as that, I think you either should only write it right or not write it at all, so this is probably the only time it's going to be mentioned. Hari, for her part, loves him utterly and completely. He is her world, and her only desire is for him to be happy. Her personality is almost entirely based around Diamond, and without him, she's really just a shell. That's why getting put on Earth and given people other than him to interact with and react to will really change and develop her, I believe, and make her capable of being an actual PERSON on her own without him. At least that would be one of the goals of developing her character in this story-that-will-never-be. She has also become something of a caretaker towards him in certain regards as she's gotten older, as is the usual situation for children of alcoholics, which Diamond has become in this 'verse. He drinks out of resentment over what was done to his people, frustration/longing over Serenity, his failure over losing the war (which means neither his people nor his daughter get to live on Earth) and losing Serenity (which means he also lost his child her mother), and to try to soothe his own often destructive/unstable temperament. He's also on a slow spiral towards insanity, which eggs the drinking on and vice versa, but Hari and Sapphire both serve as grounding devices for him that have so far kept him from going over the edge fully.

Sapphire: Aside from Diamond, Sapphire is the next biggest person in Hari's life. He was the one who educated her, and he not only taught her to read the books she loves so much, but it was he who provided her with them, and they did a lot of their bonding over that. They also share a sense of responsibility for Diamond, for the reasons described above, and, being an adult, Sapphire has a much greater understanding for how dangerous Diamond's increasingly destructive tendencies are to himself now that they've turned inward, and is silently grateful towards Hari for having something of a stabilizing effect on his older brother.

Neo Queen Serenity: The Queen really wants to love Hari. In fact, she does already. But it's very hard to be physically around a child whose origins are the result of one of the worst times in her life that she thought was completely behind her and that she now has to come to terms with after pushing it back for so long. Still, it's not in the Queen's nature to blame anyone for things they can't help, including where they came from. She feels guilty for any of the aforementioned feelings that occur to her, and welcomes her Black Moon daughter with open arms, very much wanting to make up for lost time and have a relationship with her. Hari, however, does not feel the same. She feels no connection to Serenity, and no need for a mother. She wants one thing and on thing only from Serenity, and that is for her to love Diamond, because that's what Diamond wants, and Hari wants anything that will make her father happy. However, she also knows that this isn't going to happen, and that, unlike her father and his third eye, she has no way to MAKE it happen...for now. I'm not sure if Hari bears Serenity any malice or not...I think she does, but hides it very well.

Chibiusa:Chibiusa, like her mother, wants to befriend all, and never gives up on trying to include Hari and see her smile and get her to be happy and a part of the group. Thus far, all attempts have failed. Hari does not dislike Chibiusa per se, but she also has no interest in friendship. She is also slowly realizing that Chibiusa has been much more advantaged in many ways than herself, and she isn't sure how to reconcile that with the content she's always felt with her own life. She's also unsure how to really think of her as family, since her family has always been just Diamond and Sapphire, two older male figures whom she knows inside and out...and this is a female stranger her own age. How can they be in the same category? And yet, technically, logically, they are. Chibiusa is a puzzle to her...but admittedly one she possibly isn't interested in.

King Endymion: Technically not family, but should be mentioned anyway just for the sake of completion. Endymion likewise bears no grudge against Hari for what her father did, and he is kindly towards her...though only in the way that he is kind to ALL children. He does not see her as a daughter, and will not unless she wants to see him as a father...which she doesn't. She doesn't really care about him one way or the other, he's just sort of there as far as she sees it. If Diamond ever expresses a wish to want him out of the way, than that's what Hari wants too, but there's nothing personal about it.

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