
Legacy Name: Jeb_887

The Graveyard Clawsion
Owner: Bluh

Age: 13 years, 1 week, 1 day

Born: June 22nd, 2011

Adopted: 11 years, 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: December 15th, 2012


  • Level: 5
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 12
  • HP: 10/12
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Total WIP.

Name: Jeb James
Age: 43. Looks like a rotted 30 year old, though.
Gender: Male
Species: Zombie
Orientation: Undefined. I'd imagine if he was concerned about sex, he would make love to anything.
Occupation: Zombie organization overlord.

Likes: Good weapons, nature documentaries, zombies.
Dislikes: Humans, people who show no compassion for little reason.


He's very resentful towards humans and the lack of compassion they showed for that dirty, angry teenaged kid he was once with glazed over eyes. He's never known love besides his friendship with the original six zombies. He's constantly bitter. His anger is what drives him in his fight against the humans. Though every now and then he'll show a slightly kinder side-- concern and a bit of empathy for his zombie brethren because they're in the same situation he is. He tries to create a safe haven for those not on the frontlines, for he feels it's something they need.Human villain, zombie hero?


-Jeb's parents were drunkies, overall bad people. they beat him. ):
-they got killed around the time he was eight over a drug loan. yay!
-Jeb raised himself on the streets running from police; whored himself out and spent his money on drugs
-scientists developing a new kind of useful anti-aging cream, needs testers. Jeb at the age of 16, signs up
-cream ends up speeding up brain activity yet slowly stops certain parts the body from reproducing cells, making living zombies
-"zombies" shunned by half of public for their grotesque appearance and seemingly aggressive behavior, other half sympathizes with them
-the original group of six zombies become very close
-first one snaps and actually begins devouring human brains as a violent sign of protest against those hating on the zombies
-rest of them follow suite after humans prosecute them as a whole for it. including Jeb-- who's furious of the discrimination against the crowd he for once felt welcome in.
-zombies then are considered things from hell and are killed on sight in the streets, for good reason.-they begin infecting people via. saliva, who then have no choice to join sloan, who welcomes them amongst his ranks. he creates his own giant clan-army thing, comprised of zombified men, women, and chitlin.
-the S.O.F. (save our families association) appears once the threat is somewhat large, led by Zzz and the government endorses it. becomes the lead anti-zombie force, that is more or less made to bring down sloan and his regime.
-thus begins a war.

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